Issue 10.2 Archipelagic Asias (Fall 2024)


Editors’ Introduction
Archipelagic Asias: Fluid Perspectives and Oceanic Methodologies
Nicolai Volland and Leo T. S. Ching

Toward and Archipelagic Praxis and Method: Solidarity, Storytelling, and Decolonization across Global Asias
Adrian De Leon, Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi, Sarah Ihmoud, Thiti Jamkajornkeiat, and Tiara R. Na’puti

Connecting Maritime Asia: A Roundtable Discussion on Eric Tagliacozzo, In Asian Waters: Oceanic Worlds from Yemen to Yokohama
Prasenjit Duara, Stefan Huebner, Dilip Menon, and Nicolai Volland

Trouble in Paradise: Muhanned Cader’s ISLAND (2016)
Sonal Khullar

Wetlands, Petrochemicals, Island Imagination: Preface by Wu Ming-yi, Selected Poems and Lyrics
Translated by Casey Tilley

Oceanic Knowledge and National Space-Time in Pacific History
Jonas Rüegg

Creolization and Gender: Island Imaginings in Ananda Devi’s Pagli and Its Sequel
Rosa M. C. Beunel-Fogarty

Cosmopolitan Mobiles: Mobilizing Artists and Other Floating Things around the Matsu Islands
Chris Cristóbal Chan

Ports of Call: A Maritime Study of Korean Modernist Poetry
Kevin Shadel

Sweet Archipelagos: Sugar, Empires, and the Making of a Transpacific Insect Trail
Weijia Vicky Shen