Virtual Field Trips

We integrated 360-degree images, audio scripts, SfM models, videos, and 2D texts and images into a consistent work frame as the first step to simulate field trip experiences for Penn State undergraduate students and beyond. We also conducted a series of systematic evaluations as part of an introductory geoscience laboratory course. The assessments compared virtual field trips and actual field trips; immersive and desktop virtual field trips; and the learning effectiveness and outcomes of virtual field trip experiences in place-based STEM education.
Reedsville and Bald Eagle Formations, PA

Reedsville and Bald Eagle Formations, PA

Sedimentary Rocks I: Observing Changes in Sedimentary Environments

This is an Introductory Geoscience field trip that allows students to visit a sedimentary stratigraphic sequence from the Upper Ordovician of central Pennsylvania. Students are exposed to the Reedsville Formation, an Upper Ordovician turbidite sequence, and are able to make observations of the sedimentary rocks and measure a stratigraphic section. The Bald Eagle Formation sits directly ...

The Ordovician Salona Formation, PA

The Ordovician Salona Formation, PA

Sedimentary Rocks II: Transition From Shallow Water Carbonates to Siliciclastics

This field trip allows students to explore the transition from marine carbonates to siliciclastic rocks deposited during the Upper Ordovician period. Students are asked to make observations regarding grain size and bedding thickness and will create a stratigraphic section of part of the outcrop. Additionally, this outcrop contains multiple bentonite layers deposited during large ...

Strike and Dip Tool

Strike and Dip Tool

Geological Field Skills: Measuring Strike and Dip of Rock Layers

Field geologists measure the strike and dip of exposed rock layers to infer the form of a geologic structure such as a fold or basin. Measurement of strike and dip, also known as the attitude of rock layers, helps geologists construct accurate geologic maps. For example, data on rock attitudes helps delineate fold structures in layered rocks. The attitude of other geologic structures like faults can be understood using strike and dip as ...

Visualizing Subsurface Data in 3D

Visualizing Subsurface Data in 3D

Visualizing Subsurface Data: USGS Centennial Earthquake Catalog in immersive VR

Visualizing world-scale geospatial datasets (i.e., subsurface data) in immersive VR (iVR) is challenging in terms of system requirements and user experience while keeping high performance graphically. Creating a good user experience requires fitting a world-scale dataset into a small play area in a way that is understandable, interactive, and provides a natural manipulation of the data. Scientists ...

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