2023 Celebration of Scholarship

Celebration of Scholarship: Thursday March 30, 2023, 11:00am-1:30pm, ARB

Awards Ceremony: Thursday April 6, 2023, 12:15pm, Library 

List of Posters

PSU News – Winners

University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award – Excellence in Information Literacy

The University Libraries supports undergraduate research experiences by ensuring our students have the information literacy skills they need to enter a scholarly conversation and to create new knowledge. We recognize outstanding student work through The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award, given out at research exhibitions and symposia across the Commonwealth. (Penn State University Libraries).

First Place 

Runners up 

Campus Research Award

The purpose of a poster exhibit is to convey to a wide audience a research project’s significance to scholars in the field and its potential significance to the general public. Posters will be judged on their introduction, methods, results, and conclusions for STEM subjects and their introduction, body, and conclusions for Liberal Arts. The appropriate use of scholarly citations and acknowledgements is important as are photographs, drawings, charts, tables, or graphs that clearly explain concepts. Participants will be asked to verbally explain their posters. Judges will focus on the presenters’ knowledge of the subject, clarity of the presentation, and professionalism. (Penn State Lehigh Valley)

First Place 

Runners Up 

Campus Sustainability Award

The purpose of a poster exhibit is to convey to a wide audience a research project’s significance to scholars in the field, its potential significance to the general public, and its impact on sustainability (balance among the environment, the economy, and the equity of those affected). Posters will be judged on their inclusion of sustainability concepts.

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