1. Tell us about yourself…  Mandy Geibel

I am 26 years old and was born and raised in western pa. I have been married for almost 6 years and I have 2 very energetic little boys ages 3 and almost 5. I have been in school since 2009. I took some time off to have my kids and up until this passed spring semester only ever took 2 classes at a time. I have always been in an online school environment. I work full time in a reside tial treatment facility for at risk youth. I also work part time or casually as a caseworker for adults on the IDD and AAW spectrums.

  1. How long have you been part of the Penn State World Campus community? How do you feel about your learning experience?

I have been part of Penn State World Campus since spring of 2012 I believe. I have been in other online college curriculum and they do not even compare to world campus. I absolutely love every part of it! I feel that I learn quite a bit more than I have at other schools. Most of the I structure I have had have been very good at working with me when I need it. There is always such good information offered and a variety of ways to learn it.

  1. Why did you choose Psychology as a major?

I was actually stuck between forensic science and psychology for a long time. I fi ally decided that I loved psych a lot more. I want to help people and make them productive members of society no matter what diagnosis they may have. I have alway been interested in why people do what they do. It really started with a fascination of the serial killer mind ever since I could remember. I wanted to find out what makes them do such horrible things. This fascination carried over as I got older and started paying more attention to the people around me. I would sit and wonder what makes someone so peppy or why are people so sad things like that. I also love giving advice when I gave a friend advice and it worked out well for them I would get this high because I was so excited and felt that I was doing something right.

  1. Tell us about your job….

I work with at risk youth. I am an I formal therapist/ counselor of sorts. I work at a residential treatment facility for children and youth ages 9-18 or so. I mainlyj work with kids who have been abused, physically, mentally, sexually, or emotionally and possibly neglected or who are at risk of being neglected. Mental illness is a huge part of every child I work with. Some have only 1 diagnosis and others have numerous diagnoses. I work with their families and therapists to teach the kids effective coping skills and how to overcome whatever obstacles they have in order to reach their full potential. I love every second of it!

  1. What are the requirements to execute your job? Have you learned any skills, from your academic involvement, which directly improves your performance at work?

My job requires you to be quick on your feet as well as to be very knowledgeable of mental illness. I was to be trained in TCI which is therapeutic crisis intervention because most days require physical intervention with the clients so we have to learn how to properly restraint and keep ourselves and others around safe. I also have to know a good deal about the symptoms of mental.illness as well as treatment in order to do my job. A lot of the classes I have taken for my major have been very beneficial to me in effectively working with the population I do. Abnormal psychology was a life saver! Without it I wouldn’t be able to do my job effectively. I also think my adolescent development courses and my intervention course have been extremely helpful.

  1. Do you plan on applying to graduate school? If so, tell us how would you make graduate school a reality.

I would absolutely love to go to grad school! I am not sure now would be the time considering how much I work and the ages of my kids, but it is definitely something I am keeping a close eye on. I would love to get my license and go into private practice one day or become a psychiatrist.

  1. How do you see yourself in five years?

In 5 years I hope to have had a promotion or two at work working even more closely on the clinical side with my clients and maybe even be in grad school.

  1. What would you do if you win $500 million dollars from the lottery today?

If I won 500 million dollars I would pay off any debts I may have, my school loans, my house, car and maybe even upgrade to a newer model of my car. I think I would also buy a camp for my family and I to enjoy for years to come. I would most definitely complete grad school and get my Psys. D. and open my own practice. I would also save enough so that my children could complete grad school at a good school without having to work to do so because student loans are a killer! I would save the rest and probably invest some. Whatever I didn’t spend would go on to my kids and their children.