1. Tell us about yourself…  19317_10152747807711394_1646457845145903057_n[10]

My name is Raenisha Marie Williams and I am a Biological Evolutionary Psychology major and English minor. I work a Woods Services full time and I have a 1 year old name Skylar-Marie Williams.


  1. How long have you been part of the Penn State World Campus community? How do you feel about your learning experience?

I’m a newly transferred Penn State World campus student from Penn State University Park. Being a student at World Campus feels like a breath of fresh air. Do the on campus thing while working and coming home to a 1 year old was too stressful. My grades were slipping and half of the time I didn’t feel like going to class because I was so tired. World Campus gave me my time back. I have more time to do homework, spend time with my child and sleep. My grade have improved a great deal because of this. I’m able to actual read and learn from the books I’ve purchased.


  1. Why did you choose Psychology as a major?

Ever since I was young I wanted to help people get their life in order. I wanted to find ways to make them feel better about their self and life. Then when I learned about Psychology, the actual subject of it was intriguing. The history, the diagnosis, everything about it made me want to learn more.


  1. Tell us about your job….

Woods Services is an Autism residential care facility serving 4,100 individuals with Autism/PDD and other developmental disabilities. At Woods I work in the Mollie Woods Education building as a 1-on-1 Teachers Aide.


  1. What are the requirements to execute your job? Have you learned any skills, from your academic involvement, which directly improves your performance at work?

The requirements to execute my jobs is to be mindful, happy, dedicated, build rapport, and to have some type of understand of different disorders and measurements. From my academic involvement I learned to be detailed oriented. While submitting projects, writing papers, and/or reading other people papers, you have to give enough detail for your reader to understand what you’re trying to say. With my job you have to also recheck and make sure what you’re writing, and saying is correct. If anything in your paper work don’t seem right then you will get in trouble.


  1. Do you plan on applying to graduate school? If so, tell us how you would make graduate school a reality.

This December I plan to apply to 6 different graduate schools to further my education. I will make this my reality by doing my best in my senior year at world campus, volunteering with various Psychologists to get more experience, and saving up what little bit of money I have to pay while applying for scholarships.


  1. How do you see yourself in five years?

In 5 years I see myself married to my boyfriend of 11 years, in my 3rd year of my doctoral program, and living somewhere like Seattle or Texas.


  1. What would you do if you win $500 million dollars from the lottery today?


If I won $500 million dollars I would pay all my credit cards off, pay my medical bills, get a slightly better car, and buy a house. After that I’ll use whatever I need for graduate school. Then, put 90% of what’s left into my savings because by then I wouldn’t need it for anything else. I’ll just add on to it with the money I get from my job,