Our Activity Schedule

World Campus Sustainability Club Activities

On this page, you will find agreed times for monthly or bi-weekly club discussions, meetings, and events. We aim to create a relaxed yet informative atmosphere for our club events. Please note this tab is only the club’s planned opportunities as a group, additional opportunities are emailed by our Penn State email for club members.

Members gain the following :

  • Job Opportunities
  • Community Opportunities
  • Global Awareness Opportunities
  • Club Events & Connection Platforms
  • PSU Club News Letters.

Sustainability Week! 

What is our goal? To provide resources, information and create intentional spaces to share our perspectives on Sustainability and how we integrate it into our lives. 

Our club will be hosting view discussions throughout the week, and there is more details on that in the event calendar attached. In addition to these themed days, we collected PSU sponsored events related to Sustainability that are happening throughout the week! There are a number of ways in which you can participate, whether it is joining a guest lecture, participating in a club discussion, reading through a resource material, watching a video or speaker series interview, or creating an art piece to submit for our Art Contest – whatever it is, we want to hear about it! We’re asking you to participate in 2 initiatives this week, and once you’ve done that, complete the Sustainability Week Passport form. We want your feedback, thoughts and inspiration on how we can continue to build club events and get you the information that you care about most.

Sustainability Club, pick-two and choose your own adventure:

Monday October 24th at 4 PM EST

EarthTalks: Lexie Hain 

Director of Agrivoltaics and Land Management at Lightsource bp, will introduce solar grazing as an agrivoltaic practice, and discuss ecosystem service considerations, as well as aspects of performance, professionalism, and potential implementation in her talk “Agricultural integration and solar facilities: Agrivoltaics in context” at 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 24. The talk, which is free and open to the public, takes place in 112 Walker Building and via Zoom.

Monday October 24th Talks starting at 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST

International Climate Symposium 

All are invited to attend Science-Based Choices for Climate Action, Insights from the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, an in-person and livestreamed symposium hosted by Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, USA on October 24 – 26. Authors of the newest reports from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), policy makers, other experts, and the audience will engage in conversations about findings from the IPCC assessment, why they matter, and how they can be used to mobilize more ambitious and equitable actions on climate change. The symposium celebrates awarding of the 2022 Sam Rose and Julie Walters Prize at Dickinson College for Global Environmental Activism to the IPCC in recognition of their important work.

Assure your attendance by registering today to attend in-person or to watch the livestream.

Topics covered Monday: Science-Based Choices for Equitable Climate Action; Demystifying the Work of the IPCC; Climate Change – Evidence and Causes; Pathways to Net Zero Carbon; Keynote Address: Why Climate Resilient Development Matters in the Fight; Climate Change: Rising to the Challenges

Tuesday, Oct. 25th at 12 PM EST 

University Libraries to host virtual Open Access Week panel on Climate Justice 

The following Penn State University panelists will be sharing about how openly available research and data have impacted their research on climate justice. They will also be asked to share how making their research openly available has made a difference for climate justice, among other questions.The panelists will discuss questions related to this year’s theme for Open Access Week, which is “Open for Climate Justice.”

  • Hester Blum, Department of English, College of the Liberal Arts
  • Eric Crandall, Department of Biology, Eberly College of Science
  • Roberto Fernández, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Helen Greatrex, Department of Geography, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, and Department of Statistics, Eberly College of Science
  • Margarita López-Uribe, Department of Entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences
  • Mark Sentesy, Departments of Philosophy and Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, College of the Liberal Arts

See the Open Access Week website for more information about this year’s theme

Register here: https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k-pxd-QOQqe5nza9282i9g 

Tuesday, Oct. 25th at 3:00 PM EST

Fall 2022 Penn State Water Community Event 

The event is for faculty, postdocs, staff, and students working on, or with interest in, water and water-related efforts. The event will be from 3–6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, and will be split into two sessions.

The first session, from 3–4:30 p.m., will be a hybrid event for both in-person and online attendees. It will feature networking, water community updates, and lightning talks. The in-person location will be 189 Energy and the Environment Lab.

The second part will be in-person only and will feature a poster session, networking time, and tours of some of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment’s labs. The location will be on the second floor of the Land and Water Research Building.

The event is for faculty, postdocs, staff, and students who are interested in water and University-wide research priorities and supporting initiatives:

Tuesday October 25th 4:00 PM EST

Penn State Geoscience Colloquium Series 

Department of Geosciences Colloquium Series presents Dan Ibarra, Brown University Coupling the Earth’s water and carbon cycles: the role of land plants, lithology and paleogeography

Enter the Zoom meeting using this link

Tuesday October 25th 6:00 PM EST 

Let’s Talk Climate Change with Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn: A Conversation on actions and solutions

The climate crisis is top of mind for many of us, but what can student do to take action today? From individual choices to advocacy, many students are taking it upon themselves to find solutions and demand action. DCNR’s Think Outside program will feature a panel discussion on approaches to the climate crisis, how to communicate issues, solutions, where we should be headed, and more.

Register here

Tuesday, Oct. 25th Talks starting at 9:00 AM – 5:15 PM EST

International Climate Symposium 

All are invited to attend Science-Based Choices for Climate Action, Insights from the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, an in-person and livestreamed symposium hosted by Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, USA on October 24 – 26. Authors of the newest reports from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), policy makers, other experts, and the audience will engage in conversations about findings from the IPCC assessment, why they matter, and how they can be used to mobilize more ambitious and equitable actions on climate change. The symposium celebrates awarding of the 2022 Sam Rose and Julie Walters Prize at Dickinson College for Global Environmental Activism to the IPCC in recognition of their important work.

Assure your attendance by registering today to attend in-person or to watch the livestream.

Topics covered Tuesday: Science and Policy Interface; Land, Ecosystems and Climate Change; Food, Agriculture, Water and Climate Change; Cities and Climate Change; How Dickinson Achieved Zero Net Carbon Emissions

Wednesday October 26th at 7:00 PM EST 

Sustainability Institute Intersection Film Series – The Yes Men are Revolting

Do you have the guts to be a Yes Man? Would you be willing to pose as a Dow Chemical executive and go on the BBC and take an ethical stance on behalf of Dow, even if that knocked $2 billion off its stock price? Would you dress up in a gold lame bodysuit with a giant phallus and present to a World Trade Organization conference to point out that neoliberal economics perpetuate a modern form of slavery?

Most of us aren’t that daring or bold but that’s what makes The Yes Men, a team of guerilla satire artists so incredible and so globally effective at shining light on multiple sustainability challenges. But in their third film, Yes Men Are Revolting, we see that this boldness has a personal cost on their families, relationships, and sense of efficacy. A deeply personal look at the costs of being an activist, the film also provides moments of absurdist joy, as their satire lands on officials and executives who want to deny sustainability challenges exist. Following the film we’ll have a discussion with representatives from the Yes Men and scholars who study the effectiveness of satire and “laughtivism.” This is one you don’t want to miss! 

Wednesday October 26th Talks starting at 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

International Climate Symposium 

All are invited to attend Science-Based Choices for Climate Action, Insights from the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, an in-person and livestreamed symposium hosted by Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, USA on October 24 – 26. Authors of the newest reports from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), policy makers, other experts, and the audience will engage in conversations about findings from the IPCC assessment, why they matter, and how they can be used to mobilize more ambitious and equitable actions on climate change. The symposium celebrates awarding of the 2022 Sam Rose and Julie Walters Prize at Dickinson College for Global Environmental Activism to the IPCC in recognition of their important work.

Assure your attendance by registering today to attend in-person or to watch the livestream.

Topics covered Wednesday: Climate Action in Higher Education; Teaching Climate Change in the Liberal Arts Curriculum; Social, Economic and Technological Transformations; Just Transitions; Climate Action and Policy from Local to Global Scales

Friday October 28th at 1 PM EST

Penn State Extension is holding a FREE webinar on Grant Writing! 

This event is free but registration is required  and might be of use to some of you.

Register here: https://extension.psu.edu/grant-writing-forum-developing-a-community-plan-and-sources-of-funding   

The Grant Writing Forum: Developing a Community Plan event will teach you about creating a community plan, sources of funding, and grant opportunities offered by the funder. This forum is an informal meeting where elected officials, community leaders, and grant writers can discuss issues and share best practices to enhance grant success.

Join two founding members of Explore Ziele, Mary Hess, Zelienople Borough President, and Donald Pepe, Zelienople Borough Manager, to explore solutions and share ideas with other leaders who seek and implement funding opportunities.

Resources to Read & Watch

Film Focused:

Infographics & Workshop being released during Sustainability Week via our ListServ! Need to subscribe? Reach out to mkd20@psu.edu

Monday October 31st, 2022 at 6:30 PM EST

Via Zoom! Please register here

Global Event’s

September 21st

September 26th


Global Event’s

August 19th World Humanitarian Day

Monthly Book Reading Theme

In this month’s book Discussion, we have a selection of 3 books you can choose from with a theme in mind for our monthly meeting. The following are the three books to choose from:

  1. Blinded by Humanity: Inside the UN’s Humanitarian Operations by: Martin Barber
  2. The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time By: Jeffrey Sachs’s
  3. An Imperfect Offering: Humanitarian Action for the Twenty-First Century by: James Orbinski MD

Theme: Awareness of World Humanitarian Day.

This event will take place on our discord page.

See You Soon!






Monthly Book Reading

Book: A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature’s Deep Design By Frank Wilczek

Saturday, June 4th, 2022 at 7:00 PM EST. Open event for active WCSC members only zoom link to be announced on the Discord channel. Till then read up and take a few notes to discuss how this book connects with sustainability. (PSU email required) Registration For Event

About the book: Author ” Frank Wilczek: is a Nobel prize winner in physics and an MIT Professor of physics. This book is created to take your time to digest its meaning and critically think about the many intertwining layers of reality.






Monthly Book Reading.

Saturday, May 7th at 7:00 PM EST.

About this book: A collection of perspectives on how others see Sustainability.

Where to find: The book can be found in Penn State Online Library or Amazon Audible for time-saving means.

Selected by: Leadership Voting

See you soon!


Meeting #2 Lets talk about Sustainability Open discussion  May 7th


New Open Roles For Active Leadership!

please check out the leadership tabs for more information.



Movie Night with Friends!

The Sustainability Club is joining the WC Sorority Delta Gamma Chi for a collaboration event for a virtual watch event featuring the film Don’t Look Up directed by Adam McKay. Adam McKay is an America film director who is also an environmental activist. He has written and directed some popular films you may have watched such as Stepbrothers, Anchorman, The Big Short, Talladega Nights and so forth.

The film is an allegory for climate change, and you can check out the trailer on Youtube: Don’t Look Up Official Trailer.  The event will be held on Thursday April 21st at 7:00 PM EST. 






First Club Meeting!

In this meeting, we have the opportunity to meet our fellow club members and start the conversation of sustainability! Meet and Greet!  February 11th at 7 PM EST (1hour)

           Register for the meet and greet here.


Week of Planet Appreciation 2022

Look for emails from our Penn State email regarding opportunities to take part in.

Week of February 14th to 18th


January  2022

Leadership Planning Introductions

New Leadership Meetings