Using web components with Sites is as easy as using any JavaScript library. Just follow these steps:

Step 1. Activate the Advanced Settings plugin.

  1. From your site’s left menu, go to Plugins
    Plugins Menu Item
  2. Form the Plugins page, find the Advanced Settings plugin, and click its Activate button.
    Advanced Settings Plugin

Step 2. Use the “magic script”.

  1. Once this plugin is activated, use your site’s left menu to go to Settings→Advanced Settings.
    Settings Menu with Advanced Settings Highlighted
  2. From the Advanced Settings page, scroll down to the Additional Code section and place the following lines of Javascript into the Header Tag (high priority) field:

    <script src=""> </script>

    <script /* if a regular element has a data-custom-element attribute, convert it to the web component in its data-custom-element attribute; for example <div data-custom-element="accent-card" color="blue"> would be converted to <accent-card color="blue"> */ window.onload = function(){ let customElements = document.querySelectorAll("[data-custom-element]"); [...customElements].forEach(el => { console.log(el); let custom = document.createElement(el.getAttribute('data-custom-element')), attributes = el.attributes; console.log([...attributes]); [...attributes].forEach(a=>{ let attr = a.nodeName, val = a.nodeValue; custom.setAttribute(attr,val); }); el.parentNode.insertBefore(custom,el); [...el.children].forEach(child => custom.append(child)); }); }; </script>

Step 3. Read the documentation.

This site includes some examples of web components with Sites. To see more examples of what’s possible, check out

To convert the examples from to tags you can use in Sites, change the tag name to div and set the div’s data-custom-element to the tag name you replaced. For example, you would change <accent-card color="blue"> to <div data-custom-element="accent-card" color="blue">

Step 4. Add the HTML to your page.

When adding the code, use the Text tab of the page’s or post’s text editor.

Text tab with component code.
Always use th Text tab.

One of the challenges with Sites is the its Text tab doesn’t give you the full features of HTML. Please note:

  • You may have to use a <span> where you might have used a <div> or a <p>.
  • Do not save when the Visual tab is showing. If you accidentally save, just restore from a previous revision.
    Visual tab
    Do not use the Visual tab.
  • If you go back to edit with the Visual tab open, your code may disappear. If that happens, switch to the Text tab, and then refresh your browser.
    Revisions section
    You can view and restore a revision if you break your code.