How to Pronounce “Gal Gadot”

With the Wonder Woman movie about to come out, it’s important to review this timely pronunciation article from Vox and about how to pronounce the name of star Gal Gadot ( גל גדות‎‎). As they point out, Gadot is NOT the same as the French family name of the play Waiting for Gadot but rather an Israeli name.

So bring out that final /t/ and say something like “Gal Ga-duht” /gæl gadɔt/ (stress on the final syllable). The first of Gal is fairly close to English Short A, but the is between English “uh” and “oh”.

One thought on “How to Pronounce “Gal Gadot”

  1. Lisa @ NatureImmerse

    Gal Gadot is making the rounds at Comic-Con — between the news of the Wonder Woman sequel and the new Justice League trailer, she’s had a busy weekend.

    But nothing compares to this moment that she shared with a little girl dressed as Wonder Woman. Just like the rest of the world, little girls are obsessed with the smash hit. That’s not only because it’s a great movie, but also because, well, girls (and women!) don’t have many iconic superheroes to look up to. And that matters, because how else are little girls (and women!) supposed to imagine themselves as butt-kicking warriors if we don’t have the chance to see ourselves as butt-kicking warriors? Not only is Wonder Woman a glossy superhero fantasy film, but it’s also an inspiration to millions of us.


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