Digital Storytelling (DST) is both a genre of story and a pedagogical framework. The concept initially described an experience that was happening organically in society: with more digital media available to us, more people began to tell their stories in those media. However, Joe Lambert has been at the heart of the StoryCenter which promotes digital storytelling through community outreach to impact educators, businesspeople, and laypeople alike. Following Lambert & Hessler’s (2018) text “Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community”, the concepts behind DST represent a genre of storytelling while informing a curricular perspective on pedagogy. I delivered the following embedded content as my presentation materials for my session titled “Digital Storytelling: Spark Your Imagination.” The presentation was made using Adobe’s Spark program, a freely accessible web-based content creation tool. For more information on Adobe Spark, head to my page on EdTech Tips. Feel free to scroll through the page or open it in a new window by clicking here.
Lambert, J., & Hessler, H. B. (2018). Digital storytelling: capturing lives, creating community (5th ed.). New York: Routledge.