Tag Archives: Souks

Shopping In Morocco

When it comes to the culture in Morocco, one of the first things that many people who have lived in or visited Morocco will tell you about are the very well-known souks. Souks are a type of marketplace located in the medina in urban, city-like areas. Just the way they are set up attracts many people. They are very crowded with a variety of interesting products visible throughout the streets, many customers and haggling salesmen.  Souks have had a long history in Morocco and have become a prominent part of the country’s culture and one of its greatest attractions.

Photo By: Jill Permadi

What is interesting is that souks have a variety of vendors and products; they have everything from clothing and jewelry, to wood products, leather and pottery. But souks are also a hot spot for locals to pick up fresh meat, beans and produce. This is the largest difference between shopping in Morocco and shopping in a Western mall. A better comparison to what we offer in the West would be a shopping center. They hold a variety of vendors with many different services and products. The crowded, fast-paced streets that hold souks can be compared to the busy streets of New York City. However, souks give you the opportunity to negotiate prices, something that many Westerners don’t typically get to do. So, in comparison to the United States, I’d say they’re a combination of a large shopping mall, with variety like a shopping center, in the form of what it would be like if Time Square was full of yard sales.

Souk vendors make a living off this overwhelming business that takes place regularly in Morocco. There is rarely a “good time” or “good strategy” when it comes to visiting the souks because there are almost always crowds and chaos. And with such a wide variety of items to meet both tourists’ and locals’ needs, they don’t seem to be declining anytime soon. In terms of the Moroccan culture, souks are what the entire country is best known for.

Source: http://www.travel-exploration.com/tour.cfm/Souks_of_Morocco