Women’s Philanthropic Advisory Board

Empowering Women to Make a Difference

At Penn State, we understand and recognize the importance of engaging women in philanthropy, and we’re all made better by diversity and inclusivity. The Women’s Philanthropic Advisory Board (WPAB) was born out of the rising need for change in the way we involve and engage those who identify as female within the conversation of philanthropy.

Our Mission

The Women’s Philanthropic Advisory Board (WPAB) is driven to address the changing landscape of philanthropy at Penn State—and within the broader global context—as it applies to inclusivity, representation, and the engagement of female-identifying donors.

Across the world, women’s share of wealth is on an unprecedented rise; women now hold more than 40 percent of total global wealth. Moreover, their desire to give back and support their communities is often greater than that of males in a similar socioeconomic position, and they create an impact in their own unique, diverse ways.

Put simply, women have a greater capacity, opportunity, and drive to give now than ever before in history, and we want to be a part of that force for change. Female-identifying donors, alumnae, students, and friends of the University aren’t always well-served by the same philanthropic methods and mentality that have worked in the past—but Penn State has always been at the forefront of innovation, creativity, and inclusivity, and through this initiative we intend to maintain that leadership role when it comes to engaging female-identifying individuals in the philanthropic life of the institution.

The Board’s goal is to grow engagement and participation; advance alumnae into volunteer leadership roles; develop a culture that supports equity and diversity; and to empower female-identifying leaders in their service to Penn State, however they choose to be involved.


Inspiring Women Spotlight

The WPAB is comprised of a diverse group of volunteers, donors, staff, alumni, and students committed to elevating women philanthropically at the University.

Get to know our Board Members >

In every corner of the world, every subject, industry, and profession, women are making a lasting impact that’s worth sharing and celebrating.

Read the inspiring stories >

Exciting events about, for, and inspiring women are happening right here on our campus, across the Commonwealth, and throughout the country.

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“Higher education made it possible for me to be where I am today. As the first female president of one of the greatest universities in the world, I am intimately aware of the transformative power of higher education and deeply grateful for the women who came before me, paving the way with their leadership. It is such an honor to do my part, to open doors for other women, especially alongside groups such as the Women’s Philanthropic Advisory Board (WPAB). It is up to us – making a commitment of time, talent and treasure – to do everything we can to give students across the Commonwealth the support they need to thrive.”

Neeli Bendapudi

President, Penn State

Who is a Philanthropist?

This video from Indiana University is part of a campaign created in partnership with the YWCA and Facebook to highlight how women are giving back and making an impact in their communities. It was launched in connection with the Women’s Philanthropy Institute’s report, Women Give 2019: Gender and Giving Across Communities of Color. We hope you’ll feel inspired by these stories and consider how you might be—or become—an everyday philanthropist.

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