The year 2020 has been challenging, unprecedented, demanding, and historic, but it has not stopped women from rising to the occasion. Women continue to emerge as leaders, innovators, philanthropists, teachers, entrepreneurs, and so much more. Below, read about two Penn State women who have found purpose in the pause and consider where women rank in your fundraising priorities for 2021.
Keiko Miwa Ross commits additional $3.35 million to Penn State programs
Keiko Miwa Ross, a State College resident and Penn State’s 2020 Philanthropist of the Year, has made new gifts that deepen connections between the University Park campus and the community. In celebration of her gifts, the University has named, in her honor, the Student Farm, a program of the Penn State Sustainability Institute; the WPSU Production Studio; and the Study Center in the Tombros and McWhirter Knowledge Commons in the University Libraries. Click here to read the full story.
Giving Billions Fast, MacKenzie Scott Upends Philanthropy
“Women don’t like to splash their names on buildings, in general,” said Debra Mesch, a professor at the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University. Read more about MacKenzie Scott’s surprise gifts of more than $4 billion to 384 groups, including 60 Y.W.C.A Chapters, among other Women-led, Black women-led organizations.
As Women Surge in Leadership and Philanthropy, Are They Among Your Top Fundraising Priorities?
If your answer is no or not yet, you will be left behind as women’s rise in leadership and philanthropy surges ahead. Click here to the entire post by Kathleen Loehr, expert on women’s philanthropy.
The Fresh Dolls – One of Oprah’s Favorite Things 2020
Dr. Lisa Williams, a previous professor at Penn State and creator of The Fresh Dolls, strives to help children see themselves reflected in their toys. Check out the dolls on Oprah’s Favorite Things 2020.