Drug Delivery (BME 433)

This course includes two main issues: 1) physiological barriers and drug transport; 2) design and characterization of drug delivery systems. The first section of this course introduces the mechanisms of drug delivery at the levels of cell, tissue and whole body from the viewpoint of engineering. The second one describes the rational design of various drug delivery systems and emphasizes biomolecular nanomedicines. Five specific topics will be discussed throughout this course. Case studies of cancer therapy and tissue engineering are described to illustrate the functions of drug delivery systems.

Bioengineering Transport Phenomena (BIOE/CHE 501)

The objective of this course is to introduce the principles of the transport of biomolecules and cells and the applications of these fundamental principles for understanding the reasons for the success and failure of a variety of promising biomedical systems invented for therapy or diagnosis. Case studies of nanoparticle and gene delivery for cancer therapy and regenerative medicine will be described throughout the course to facilitate the understanding of the fundamental principles.