About English 202D
English 202D Business Writing teaches writing strategies and tactics that business managers and executives will need in order to write successfully on the job.
Teaching With AI Workshop
Teaching with AI Workshop, 1:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 7 in the Grucci Room. Come hear your fellow teaching faculty talk about how they incorpor [...]
Why You Should Read Your Writing Out Loud
Take a look at some of the great articles on Fast Company. [...]
How To Say You’re Sorry
Sometimes apologies in business are expressions of sympathy – and sometimes they are admissions of guilt. Sometimes apologies are [...]
How To Write For The Internet
People read online content differently than other types of content. Research has shown that people skim in a kind of “F” shape [...]
How to Incorporate Visuals Into Your Report
As useful and necessary as graphics are, it is not enough to just plop them into a document. Here is how you incorporate a graphic into yo [...]
How To Write With Flair
Five Ways to Write with Flair By Heather Holleman, Ph.D. Most of us will have thousands of occasions for writing in the next year: emails, t [...]
Warby Parker: Building A Brand From The Annual Report
According to Inc.com, the purpose of an annual report is to assess the business’s yearly operations, present its view of the upcoming [...]
Thou Shalt Not Comic Sans
The Ten Commandments of Typography. Because rules are important. [...]
Interview Follow-Up Messages: Best Practices
Have you ever made a mistake in a job interview? Said something you wish you could take back? It happens all the time, but according to [...]
Pain Letters, Human-Voiced Resumes and Dragon-Slayer Stories
Have you mastered the traditional application letter and resume? Want to take your job application messages to the next level? Liz Ryan, C [...]