Teaching With AI Workshop

Teaching with AI Workshop, 1:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 7 in the Grucci Room. Come hear your fellow teaching faculty talk about how they incorpor [...]

Why You Should Read Your Writing Out Loud

Take a look at some of the great articles on Fast Company. [...]

How To Say You’re Sorry

 Sometimes apologies in business are expressions of sympathy – and sometimes they are admissions of guilt.  Sometimes apologies are [...]

How To Write For The Internet

People read online content differently than other types of content.  Research has shown that people skim in a kind of “F” shape [...]

How to Incorporate Visuals Into Your Report

As useful and necessary as graphics are, it is not enough to just plop them into a document.  Here is how you incorporate a graphic into yo [...]

How To Write With Flair

Five Ways to Write with Flair By Heather Holleman, Ph.D. Most of us will have thousands of occasions for writing in the next year: emails, t [...]

Warby Parker: Building A Brand From The Annual Report

According to Inc.com, the purpose of an annual report is to assess the business’s yearly operations, present its view of the upcoming [...]

Thou Shalt Not Comic Sans

The Ten Commandments of Typography.  Because rules are important.   [...]

Interview Follow-Up Messages: Best Practices

Have you ever made a mistake in a job interview?  Said something you wish you could take back?  It happens all the time, but according to [...]

Pain Letters, Human-Voiced Resumes and Dragon-Slayer Stories

Have you mastered the traditional application letter and resume? Want to take your job application messages to the next level?  Liz Ryan, C [...]
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