There are different resources that may be helpful for teachers, including rubrics for assessing collaborative discourse and guides for supporting online communities of learners. As I develop new coding or assessment rubrics I will add them to this page, especially if requested. Below are the resources, with papers connected to resources following.
Resources to help guide/support students’ ability to monitor and regulate collaborative practices:
- Why we developed the CREATE collaborative training environment and the rational behind it.
- Collaborative Discourse Quality Assessments: These are the current assessments that are housed in the CREATE environment. These assessments help students to better understand the goals for collaborative sense making discussions.
- Videos to help students understand important goals for collaboration that are directly connected to the collaborative discourse quality assessments.
Guides connected to assessments: After students assess themselves they may discover an area where they are weak. In the system we have selected advice rules to provide specific advice from the guides below as suggested strategies for students to try to help improve their processes. The full guides for information synthesis and knowledge negotiation can be found below. Additional task management guides (planning & productivity) not yet in the system are also included. These older guides have not been revised in quite sometime, but may still be useful. You can also find video explanations of the newer guides here.
Papers related to these resources:
Borge, M., *Shiou Ong, Y., & Rosé, C. (2018). Learning to monitor and regulate collective thinking processes.International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 13 (1), 61-92. DOI:10.1007/s11412-018-9270-5
Borge, M. (2017). Rethinking how we support online learning in the age of isolation and information abundance: An introduction to The CREATE system. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 1(3) pp 1-23.
Borge, M., & White, B. (2016). Toward the Development of Socio-Metacognitive Expertise: An Approach to Developing Collaborative Competence. Cognition and Instruction, 34(4), 323-360.
Resources to help guide/support online collaborative discussion practices:
Papers related to these resources:
Borge, M., & Goggins, S. (2014). Towards the facilitation of an online community of learners: Assessing the quality of interactions in Yammer. In J.L. Polman, E.A. Kyza, D. K. O’Neill, I. Tabak, W. R. Penuel, S. Jurow, K. O’Connor, T. Lee, and L. D’Amico (Eds.), Learning and Becoming in Practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, Volume 2. Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp. 753-760. DOI:10.22318/icls2014.753