The Penn State Miner Training Program provides the highest quality mine safety training services to miners and mining companies in Pennsylvania and beyond, and continues the university’s long history of outstanding service to the mining community.
Our team members are knowledgeable and skilled instructors, with hands-on mining experience, who use innovative training methods to deliver the highest level of training. We are committed to the ideal that training reduces incidents. And we know that only quality training can yield quality results.
The Miner Training Program was born from The Penn State Mine Extension Service, with roots reaching back to the late 1800’s, providing important services to Pennsylvania mining. Since 1979, the Penn State Miner Training Program has provided mine safety training as mandated by the US Mine Safety & Health Administration, or MSHA.
We aid both surface and underground mining segments, and provide in-person training to over 3,000 miners annually. Many more miners, from all across the US, view our online training presentations.
The Penn State Miner Training Program offers consulting and training services on a paid contract basis.
Brookwood-Sago Competitive Training Grants
Since 2007, through MSHA Brookwood-Sago competitive training grants, the Miner Training Program has addressed safety concerns in both underground coal and underground limestone mines, focusing on both emergency preparedness and prevention.
We’ve created numerous safety training videos and programs, offered as part of our Miners Town Hall brand. These include preparing and preventing mine emergencies, safe work practices, pre-shift inspections, standards for shelter-in-place, and how to escape a mine in an emergency.
While the Miner Training Program is academically-founded, our outreach is conducted with close cooperation of the Pennsylvania mining industry. Projects funded by the Brookwood-Sago source are completed with the close assistance of partner companies within the mining industry, including Alpha Natural Resources and Garrett Limestone Co., Inc. and Coolspring Stone Supply, Inc..
To access the materials developed through the Brookwood-Sago Grants please visit the MSHA Projects page.
In accordance with Public Law 101-166, Section 511 (Steven’s Amendment), 100% of services provided and materials developed by this program are funded by The U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety & Health Administration, State Grant Funding Program.