RCL #9 Ted Talk Script Draft

Ted Talk about voting

  1. Intro
    1. 47 million people didn’t vote from 2012 to 2014
      1. why?
    2. This isn’t a recent trend
      1. On a national scale, about 83% of able voters went to Presidential polls in 1876, yet only 53% of the voting population voted in the Presidential election in 2012.
        1. Decrease in voter turnout
      2. Why is there a lack of voter turnout?
        1. Registration
          1. Too lazy to register
          2. Would vote, but aren’t registered
            1. Talk about compulsory voting system
            2. Talk about same day registration
          3. Representation
            1. People don’t feel represented by the actual candidates
              1. 2 polarized parties
                1. people don’t know about the other parties
                2. even if people know about them, people may not vote for them because they don’t have a great likelihood of surpassing the 2 giants
                  1. broken system
                  2. people can’t vote for what they want
                3. 2016 people voted for who they disliked less
              2. Education
                1. About candidates
                  1. People don’t take the time to learn about candidates besides listening to the debates
                  2. People don’t read policies or understand candidates besides knowing their first and last name, what they look like and maybe their party affiliation
                2. Of the electorate themselves
                  1. Relationship between college degree and going out to vote
                3. Why are local elections so important
                  1. Directly impact us
                    1. Public safety
                    2. Roads
                      1. Snow fall
                      2. Upkeep
  • Education
    1. Policy decisions, what schools are being built and upkept
  1. Information
    1. Electing local officials committed to communicating with citizens, effective way of knowing what is going on at town hall
  2. Money
    1. Voting in local elections determines who will be spending our tax money
  3. What is being done to encourage voter turnout
    1. community participation, specifically with adolescents and mid age citizens, however, by incorporating these age groups into the government by hosting events for citizens to get more involved
    2. introduction
    3. visibility
    4. more up to date websites
    5. getting involved in congregated spaces to talk about local issues
  4. how can you make a difference?
    1. Community projects local citizens are doing
    2. Showing up town halls
    3. Reading the paper
    4. Learning about the candidates
    5. VOTING !!!
  5. Why now?
    1. Dissent discourse
    2. Global shifts
    3. Trend is going to continue

RCL 8 Draft for Shift

47 million people, larger than the entire population of Spain— that’s the difference in voter turnout between the 2012 and 2014 U.S. elections. Yes, 2014 may not have been a Presidential vote, but why did about 47 million Americans decide voting wasn’t as important just 2 years later?

This isn’t a recent development, or a new trend for that matter; for decades, millions of citizens have sat home on election day, even during Presidential votes. On a national scale, about 83% of able voters went to polls in 1876, yet only 53% of the voting population voted in 2012.

Among the mostly democratic nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States was ranked 31st out of 35 countries in voter turnout. TALK ABOUT  COMPULSORY VOTING HERE WHAT ARE OTHER NATIONS DOING THAT WE’RE NOT





Current research has shown high barrier to entry, lack of representation, and education catalyzes low voter turnout and by focusing on mobilizing local community members these numbers can rise.

Next 3 graphs will expand on those points

Many Americans find themselves squinting at the big picture, rather than understanding what’s right in the foreground. In other words, citizens find the American government to be filled with so many positions and levels, leading to confusion as to how anything the government does, especially on the local scale, has any effect on our daily lives.

In 1953, 93% of able voters turned out for the NY mayorial election, yet in contrast to 26% in 2013. Currently, less than 25% of able citizens nationwide vote in their local elections. Because of this, the voting population does not accurately represent the community as a whole.

Every election is impactful in one way or another, whether it involves Bowling Green, Kentucky or the entire state itself. However, local elections impact us most directly. These smaller scale elections determine anything from transit regulations to reproductive rights. Presidents don’t choose which schools get more funding or what libraries are built. Should we build a new truck stop, or even a stadium? If we care about our towns, we have to care about not only who gets elected, but the actual issues on the ballot.

In recent decades, there has been a major decline in voter participation on a national level in local elections as a result of lack of community participation, specifically with adolescents and mid age citizens, however, by incorporating these age groups into the government by hosting events for citizens to get more involved, voter turnout rates may be resurrected.






Addario’s book speaks of her life as a photographer, but the power of her photos within her book is really what made me look forward to the following section. Picking two favorite photos is really challenging as they all speak for themselves in their own beauty and artistic thought, but two in particular spurred ideas for my own passion blog.

The photo displaying young Afghan men publicly listening to music for the first time since the fall of the Taliban is a really strong photograph. I love how this photo shows change, positive change that’s going on in the country. Most of the photos in the book focus on exposing problems within each nation Addario travels to, but in this case, she uses her lens to show howthe world around her is altering in a positive light. I feel this is an important thing to consider when picking photos for my blog. Using photos to show reform is as important as writing about it. Having readers visually see change in front of them is very powerful as they too may understand how they can help catalyze even greater change to come.

Another photo I really enjoyed was Addario walking down the aisle at her wedding, smiling with her husband Paul. A large portion of her book discusses her personal life, and I think adding those emotional pictures from her special day makes her more relatable to the reader. The pictures create more of a window into her life that the words themselves may not be able to convey. In this photo, she is able to convey her own happiness at a time where she was struggling physically and emotionally. After seeing her wedding photos, I think adding personal anecdotes and photos illustrating my own life may be increasingly valuable to my credibility as the writer and understanding to the reader. The use of the photos may better contrast the life of a girl from Long Island, to those who live several time zones away.




As a conflict photographer, Addario faces both personal and professional struggles. During Part III, a central predicament unfolds as Addario’s colleague, Elizabeth, is pregnant and asks Addario to keep this a secret.

The section portrays Elizabeth’s struggle on the job site in a war-zone carrying a child, in conjunction to Addario watching her friend combat the pain of maintaining her career. Addario was forced to lie to a G2 officer about Elizabeth’s pregnancy and continued to watch Elizabeth’s torso become a “patchwork of bumps and blotches” at the hands of fleas. At this juncture, Addario decided to be loyal to her friend and watch her friend endure the unspeakable. Addario understands Elizabeth’s love for her career and will to continue her work, but also fears Elizabeth’s health and stamina. Addario is conflicted in whether or not she should advise her friend to leave and take care of herself, or to help her friend pursue what she loves.

The employment of Elizabeth’s pregnancy into the story enhances the relatability of Addario’s writing. This story connects Addario’s personal struggles to the professional world. Should we advise our friends otherwise, or abide by their wishes?

I have faced a similar issue in the past. My friend wanted to go to a party the night before a big exam, but even though this may have seemed like a more fun option, staying in was more pragmatic. I decided not to stay quiet.

In my passion blog, I plan to highlight the struggle of speaking out. Talking about advocacy is easy, but actually helping others their expose reality is particularly unnerving, specifically when it involves victims of domestic violence or rape. Doing the right thing is always hard, especially when it leaves you vulnerable to the world’s judgement. I want to discuss the raw nature of being a victim particularly the internal conflict of advising a friend to get help despite the onlookers of men and women alike.


The Tubman Twenty: the millennial woman’s next feminist movement. For those who have not heard of their advocacy, the organization, Women on 20’s, has been working for a few years to encourage legislation that will allow the famous runaway slave, Harriet Tubman, to be featured on the twenty-dollar bill. Removing Jackson and instituting an instrumental woman of America’s past allows symbols of inequality and intolerance to be replaced with symbols of freedom and courage. The Tubman Twenty functions as a new declaration of representation for all women on a tangible item that is used by every American, but why paper currency, why Tubman, why the twenty-dollar bill, and most importantly, why now?A Tubman Twenty would be the first step in establishing a female presence on American paper currency. Currency and its figures reaffirm what beliefs we as Americans, no matter what generation— regard most dear. The twenty functions as a means of currency, but also as representation for our country. Paper currency itself facilitates interaction between citizens in financial exchange, but the historical figures represented on our currency provide us with the civic duty to follow in their footsteps while maintaining their principles of liberty in hopes that we spur new intellectual thought in the process. Paper currency is used by all American citizens as well as tourists, and the symbols on our currency perform as a representation of our country and what ideals we believe in.

Considered “Moses” of her time, escaped slave, Harriet Tubman, became one of the America’s principal abolitionists prior to the Civil War. She returned to the South approximately thirteen times to rescue those in bondage as the “conductor” of what is now known as the Underground Railroad: an elaborate secret network of safe houses leading to North. Her achievements were attributed to unprecedented courage and determination. Tubman deserves to be honored alongside other heroic Americans on our paper currency, serving as a role model for adolescents throughout the nation. Taking a slave owner off the twenty and replacing him with a slave, insert strong verb a way for the American government to recognize its fault and attempt rectify a historical travesty.

Paper currency is not just a way to pay for things, but a potential platform for gender equality. However, money is utilized daily by all Americans regardless of their gender. The people displayed on American currency are figures within our society that have been admired throughout American history. In addition, the twenty is in need of renovation for it is the most readily counterfeited bill in our currency, in fact, more than 40% of all bills that are counterfeited are twenty dollar bills. Although American currency has not been altered since 1929, changing the portraits on our currency is a somewhat easy process for it only requires a directive from the Secretary of the Treasury. Therefore, if the treasury is going to alter the twenty-dollar bill in order to decrease counterfeit rates, the treasury might as well add Harriet Tubman to the new edition. Although there are no women on American paper currency, there are two women present on two dollar coins: Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea. Yet, only 8.68 million of these coins were minted last year in comparison to 35.14 million presidential dollar coins. These lady dollar coins can be found in train stations nationwide, however, they are absent from most citizens’ wallets.

With the centennial of women’s suffrage around the corner, elevating a woman to a place that is today reserved exclusively for the men, would immeasurably commemorate this milestone. Tubman’s portrait symbolizes greater changes to come. For too long women have been hidden in the background behind their male counterparts, however, it is time for Americans to see the value of a woman’s contributions to our society by having a woman present on our paper currency. This reform can be viewed as a stepping stone for more initiatives to occur regarding the lack of gender equality within the United States.

On her nationally recognized show, Ellen DeGeneres argued that putting a woman on American paper money is worthwhile and long overdue. Ellen herself works to encourage and inspire those everywhere in the most unlikely of places. Ellen explained, “it’s important for young women to have a constant reminder that there are amazing female role models and that they can do anything. Anything at all.” There’s no better way to mobilize women of all ages than a new movement to get behind, one that needs some support and advocates all over the country,  from Hollywood to Washington.


Today, women make seventy-nine cents to every dollar their male counterparts make. American women need to mobilize behind a common idea especially following the recent loss of the first female presidential candidate. We need a new cause to help us come together and remind us where we come from—but more importantly, where we are going. During times of trouble, Penn State has used the phrase “WE ARE” to call upon unity in times of need and disillusionment. Despite the media, naysayers or sports rivals, the phrase has been utilized to bring the school and its alumni back to its mission. As a young woman, I feel there is no better way to bring our country’s women back to our roots than nationally recognizing one of the most heroic females in our history.

As for the organization Women on 20’s, their voice has become too loud for the treasury to ignore. Having Harriet Tubman on the twenty-dollar bill would be an investment in the future of American women. At this point in time, it is crucial that the United States’ government honor women who have shaped our society. The placement of Harriet Tubman on the twenty-dollar bill would be an accomplishment reflecting the achievement and contribution of a person who built American society into what it is today.

Most importantly, the American people, men and women alike, share the common belief that liberty and citizenship represent key ideals that our country hails for ourselves and our children. Those who paved the way for each and every American should be honored every time we reach deep into our pockets; our currency should represent what we believe in and those who fostered those principles despite the challenges they encountered to get there.

As a young woman in America, I look around and feel unlimited. The opportunities bestowed to me by our great nation are undeniable. But growing up in an America where females are held down by the limits of our male counterparts fosters a generation of short sighted and stunted future mothers, doctors, lawyers and electricians. When women go to the bank, they should see strong female role models as they look down and count their tangible success. Young boys should look around and see tenacious women all around them, represented with respect and strongly admired along with their male counterparts. The Tubman Twenty is the next step for young feminists alike to get involved and help women take a large leap forward, but one giant step is just the beginning.

RCL 4-

Allie Mollo

14 September 2017

Course number

  1. Intro
    1. Being from Long Island, Penn State didn’t find me, I found Penn State. Happy Valley was always a dream that always seemed unattainable. Here’s a short clip:
      1. Video of me getting into Schreyer
    2. I was attracted Schreyer and Penn State because of two words “WE ARE”. The simple phrase captures what it truly means to be a part of something greater than yourself. In a college, I was looking for a lifetime, not 4 years of studying. We are is not just a chant or a phrase you sign on your emails, it is a statement all students at this great university live by. WE ARE encompasses the idea that yes, we are all Penn State, no matter who we are or where we come from.
      1. Use intro to establish ethos and state that I will be examining WE ARE
  2. History of WE ARE
    1. 1946 Penn State vs Miami, Penn State did not play because black players were not allowed to compete against southern teams under national collegiate rules
    2. Miami vs penn state game was later cancelled next year
    3. The following year, Penn State was invited to cotton bowl—no black players had ever played in the cotton bowl
    4. Entering the same situation involving no black players, Captain Steve Suhey stated his famous quote, “We are Penn State. There will be no meetings”.
      1. Content, Community. “The True Origin Of ’We Are Penn State’.” Onward State, 24 Sept. 2015, onwardstate.com/2015/09/25/the-true-origin-of-we-are-penn-state/. Accessed 17 Sept. 2017.
      2. This Phrase turned into cheer later in the 1970’s has been used ever since
    5. In 1976, the university’s cheerleading squad wanted to bring back something unique to Penn State after hearing Ohio State fans show school pride during football games.
    6. They first created a chant using Joe Paterno’s name, then the team’s colors.
    7. However, WE ARE resonated with the crowd.
    8. “All of a sudden when it finally caught on, it finally exploded,” George Dennis, former cheerleading captain of the number-one ranked cheerleading squad at the time said.
      1. Thomas, Aaron. “The story behind Penn State’s ‘We Are’ chant.” WEARECENTRALPA, WEARECENTRALPA, 7 Oct. 2016, www.wearecentralpa.com/news/the-story-behind-penn-states-we-are-chant/592566439. Accessed 17 Sept. 2017.
  3. WE ARE can unite the community
    1. Following the Sandusky Scandal, the phrase WE ARE was repurposed
    2. The chant was used to bring Penn State back to its origin
      1. WE ARE sculpture challenge
        1. This catalyzed the resurrection of the PSU community behind the common goal
        2. The sculpture represents our communities pride engrained in steel
          1. Nothing, can break Penn State
          2. Also, the piece shows that WE ARE is something tangible piece of art— something that cannot be replicated or taken away
            1. “The Story Behind Penn State University’s “WE ARE” Sculpture.” YouTube, YouTube, 21 Oct. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIBNyd2KjSk. Accessed 17 Sept. 2017.
  4. Conclusion
    1. What does WE ARE mean to you all? I know for me, I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. At State College, I found a family with spirit and pride. We all share the common belief that WE ARE is in essence the only way to describe Penn State— we are calls upon our civic duty to be inclusive and prideful among all Penn Staters and non Penn Staters. It’s a community of loving people that just want to leave the world better than they found it. Everyone has their own unique Penn State story, but we are all Penn State.
      1. WE ARE!!!
        1. Penn State 🙂 

RCL 3-

09/09/2017 Beaver Stadium Grounds

Addario employs realistic descriptions and dynamic discussion to transport readers to wherever she was traveling that day. In one specific instance during the chapter “Please Tell The Woman We Will Not Hurt Her”, Addario and her partner Matthew were encircled by gunmen in Garma. This section is filled with chaos, emotion, strife, and the sheer will to survive.

To exemplify such notions, Addario describes the situation in great detail, but includes her own thoughts also, contributing to the overall tone and mood of the chapter. For example, Addario mentions four journalist who died on the road between Kabul and Jalalabad after September 11th as the insurgents approach the mini van. By including this part of her thought process, Addario was able to inform readers of how dire the situation was and what exactly was going through her mind as she faced a near death scenario.

In addition, the dialogue used by Addario was also telling as the situation heightened during the chapter. Addario says, “We are going to die now”, as the men began to besiege their position. The aforementioned sentence was also its own paragraph to truly emphasize its meaning and need for alarm.

The descriptive language and dialogue was also very drawing to me as a reader. The writing in this section fast paced and led to further inquiry. I wanted to keep reading, I did not want to see something happen to Addario or even Matthew. I could not put the book down.

In my passion blog, I plan to utilize more anecdotes after completing this RCL blog. Initially, it never occurred to me to employ real-life stories into my passion blog; I was going to use my perspective as well as statistics and analysis to tell my story. Now I feel a stronger appeal to pathos by using real life events could make my writing not only more interesting, but more informative to the reader.

RCL 2–

 09/02/2017 Beaver Stadium

Passion is the will to live when light goes dark. To breathe without thinking about the moments that come next, that’s passion.

Throughout my life, I have participated in an array of activities— soccer, photography, mock trial, and newspaper, just to name a few. Despite their obvious differences, I have been drawn to each activity because of my love for the arts, academics and athletics.

Recently, I acquired another passion: reading. Whether it’s the New York Times, or the latest historical fiction novel, I find myself indulging in every paragraph.

While reading the articles, I can transport anywhere in the world and experience breaking news right in front of me. Eventually, I picked up a book froma local bookstore. And that’s when reading became my world.

Being consumed in a book is like finding a love that can fit in your backpack— a love so passionate that its confines are spilled across pages.

Reading about women from all over the world in the news is like walking in a new pair of shoes a different size than your own for a few minutes.

Addario incorporates her Nana’s story of losing a passionate lover to site the will to do what you feels right. In her book, Addario pursues what she loves no matter the cost, but here, she digresses and refers to the possibility of leaving passions unearthed. In this section, she’s being vulnerable and anticipating a fear of hers greater than war zones. This is her way of justifying her unique love for photography and dating. In other words, she uses her Nana’s reflection as wisdom in her career path and personal life.

I dream of pursuing a profession that can parallel my want to read a new paperback. I dream of waking up every morning excited to walk through the doors of my office. I dream of going home after a day’s work and reading the newest Pulitzer Prize winner. I dreamed of going to school in Happy Valley.


I am a lifelong learner. I always find myself ready to take on the next task and grasp new information around me– whether it’s from others or myself. College is a pool of water and I am a sponge ready to absorb all the information I can before having to clean real world issues.

Before I go to bed every night, no matter what time, I watch the news for at least a half hour. My day feels incomplete without understanding what is happening inthe world around me. I distinctly enjoy learning about foreign cultures and customs for which I am unfamiliar. One of my blog proposals would be to examine women from the lens of different cultures in each post. Specifically, each post could be a profile on a particular country and what being a woman in that country entails. I feel this topic could tie my passion for learning and culture into one blog that many men and women could not only enjoy, but learn from. Reading 500 words about living in another place and being a woman is another way to gain insight that the media isn’t covering.

Because I am a Marketing major pursuing a minor in Digital Media Trends, I also have a distinct interest in business and solving problems. I may write my passion blog about innovation and developing solutions to daily issues. Specifically, eachpost would be about ways to identify, approach, and devise solutions to issues as small as paper cone cups in the dining hall that don’t stand up on their own. Adapting to new situations, budgeting, and being a trailblazer is often overlooked in a world that is shadowed by the brightness of our computer screens and lengthy titles.

With my blog, I hope to examine my passions further and give pieces of my knowledge to readers.