- exposure to more domestic goods than just palm oil
- compare US recreation to Malaysian forms
- look ahead to the future of Malaysia
Current Climate “highlights”
- Malaysia’s unemployment stands at 3.4%, which is less than the US (4.1)
- Petronas is one of the largest employers in Malaysia and is VERY diversified. Maybank however is less diversified, but controls more of a share of the currency flow through the country.
- The service Industry is also growing, but it’s putting a strain on the
local ecosystems that people are there to explore.
This is where I found the most interesting content in regards to the research on the topic. Malaysia was actually ahead of most of southeast Asia in this endeavour. They started shutting down tourism in certain sectors to let the ecosystems recover and “rest.” I think this could be a great idea here in the US. Our national parks bring in a lot of money, but how long are some of their features going to last when people are constantly leaving trash and trafficking delicate ground?
Future Climate “highlights”
- Due to the growing Muslim population, halal food is on the rise.
- Tropical fruit and herbs can give Malaysia a niche on the global exportation stage
- The water around Malaysia will continue to used in the development of more fish farms.
I may be a little biased, but the future of Malaysian business, the SUSTAINABLE options for the future of Malaysian business, are really rooted in agriculture. and how cool is it that we get to go see it in person as Malaysia ushers in a new era in the provision of money and jobs for their people?!
I was so impressed by this. I wanted to share more about other forms, but Sepaktakraw is way to cool to be overshadowed by anything else. Its like hacky sack and volleyball combined, plus shades of badminton? I really hope we get to see a little of it while in country.
Take Away Points
It comes down to Malaysia diversifying its industrial side as much as its cultural side continues to do. Diversification and niche markets will give the country stability and a chance to take a larger market share of southeast Asia.
Excellent Job Carson!
Thanks for sharing!