“How You Made Them Feel” – #AgEd2Malaysia Thoughts from Kaitlin Liszka, @TeachAgPSU candidate!

Little did any of us really know how much of an adventure this trip really would be!

From the moment we grabbed our baggage we were greeted with a warm welcome and show of hospitality that would last through out the entire adventure.

I knew before this trip that we as Americans were not always preceded with the warmest stereotype, but this trip has really made me step back and realize why we can perceived as rude. I was truly blown away by the hospitality shown to us for the month that we were in Malaysia.

I took a unplanned detour from our itinerary and spent a day in the hospital (talk about unplanned adventures!). While I was there, three different professors from UTM came to visit me and make sure I was okay – one even brought some donuts 🙂 ! To me, this was very unexpected. I’m not saying that professors in the United States would not have been concerned about me if the countries would have been flipped and I was hospitalized in the United Statess, but the chances of one stopping in to physically make sure I was okay is pretty low, let alone three! For them, a simple phone call for a status update would be enough, and this is just a small sampling of the hospitality shown to us.

The little things they did while we were in Malaysia have reminded me of how I should treat others so that they too can feel more welcome.

The small gifts we got everywhere we went, along with the “refreshments” that really provided enough food to count as a meal, the constant help carrying your bags, we were even welcomed in to the homes of teachers from the schools we visited and the lectures from UTM, the conversations we had, and I could keep this list going until everyone was bored of reading.

Truthfully, I learned so much on this trip, that one blog post could not even begin to unpack it, but I think that this quote shared with me by one of the teachers on the Malaysia adventure before we stepped into a classroom to teach sums up the experience for me:

The reality of life is that I don’t remember all the little lessons and cool facts that I learned while on this trip, I will, however, always remember how welcome and loved the people in Malaysia made me feel, and I hope that someday I have the chance to make someone else feel the same way.


Ms. Kaitlin Liszka (@KaitlinLiszka) is a  pre-service agricultural education candidate (#psuaged20) at The Pennsylvania State University (@TeachAgPSU).

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