Interview On Location: Touching base with Huzaimi! An Entry from Day 15

What better way to learn, than to listen? I decided to take a breather from the hustle and bustle of the last few days to sit down with Huzaimi; a student, a translator, a friend. 

Me: how are you today Huzaimi?

H: Good. Very very good.

Me: nice. Well, we’ve officially arrived in Sabah, a state on the island of Borneo. What’s on your mind?

H: its very nice. Very hot, and i’m angry at the bus and management. But its very nice.

Me: Is this your first time in Sabah?

H: No, second

Me: how long ago was your first time?

H: I don’t know, maybe 10 years ago? I was 11, and i’m 21 now. So yes

Me: It seems like, and this may be a skewed view, but it seems like the rest of the world outside of the US travels abroad. A lot. Is this true for Malaysians?

H: Oh yes. Very much. Malaysians travel a lot.

Me: including you?

H: Yes, I like the travel a lot. I like the adventure.

Me: when your family travels, is it for adventure? Relaxation?

H: no when my family travels, it for relaxation. They like to go to nature, see the people, see the environment. They do not like adventure like me though.

Me: what do you mean when you say “adventure”?

H: paragliding, parasailing, I like things that are adventure. Like courage for them.

Me: oh for sure. Are all of your friends like that?

H: Yes, a lot of my friends like the adventure. They like to go and be courageous. I like it

Me: Do your friends value experiences over material items?

H: Yes, they like to. But not all of them. Most like gadgets and things. Me, I like the adventure and experiences though.

Me: So your friends like tech. Besides the obvious cell phone, what do they buy?

H: I don’t know. They like the Go Pro. It depends on their interests. If they like the pictures to take then they buy Go Pro, camera, but me I like the travel. I also like watches though.

Me: Yea so what’s the big deal with watches in Malaysia? It seems like everyone has a G-Shock!

H: yes, we like the G – Shock

Me: what is it about them?

H: I don’t know. They’re sporty. We like the sporty, the teenage look. We like to wear young things.

Me: I can see that. Alright so to all the readers out there, what else would you like them to know about your generation besides their love of g-shock watches and adventure?

H: we like to do things that are adventure. And everyone should get out and travel. They need to experience things and be out to be courageous. People who do not, are not living. To live you must be brave and try things.

Me: absolutely. Well, Terima Kasih Huzaimi!

H: hahaha soma soma

Mr. Carson Letot (@Letot_Carson) is a secondary agriscience teacher at Montague HS in
Montague, Michigan.

Carson and Huzaimi playing traditional music!