When this adventure began, we knew that we were coming for a focused professional development purpose. We knew that we would be engage in teaching opportunities (or episodes) two to three times while in-country. Our second teaching episode would have a different context of a large group; similar to what we might know as an “Ag Day”.
Our first teaching episode was in a traditional classroom context and on the topic of Aquaponics! Did I know anything about aquaponics? No, I certainly did not. Don’t worry, all I made it though that lesson just fine thanks to our UTM students help. Though this entire adventure the UTM students have helped us in more ways than we can really even mention. They help us with social activities, planning our lessons, teaching our lessons, and even the most simple tasks like communicating. I just want to take a second and say, THANK YOU UTM STUDENTS!!!!!
As we began preparation for our second teaching episode “Ag Day”, critical information was dropped on us. Once again, we were teaching aquaponics. This time we were teaching as a group and we were teaching more students. The school would also have flexibility on the standards that we had to meet. Each of us split into our groups and we concord planning each of our group lessons.
A great part of planning? They also got us pizza for lunch! Fun fact: There is tuna on pizza in Malaysia.
As the afternoon came, we had a few hours of unscheduled free time. Some of us decided to go to a local mall, some went to downtown Johor Bahru, and others stayed back at the hotel to catch up on some sleep and get some other work done. I ventured to the mall. This excursion was a lot of wondering around just checking stuff out and comparing this mall to an American mall. There are some similarities and also some differences, just like you would find in any other mall.
One major difference that is noticed everywhere is the toilet situation. Pretty much every stall that you will enter has a bidet in it. Some stalls do not even offer any sort of toilet paper. You have to provide your own or just go without. Finally, the main focus, the toilet. Sometimes they aren’t even there! Talk about a surprise when you enter that stall. I refer to these as squatty potty.
Our final activity for the day was a musical instrument lesson. We learned what each instrument was, its tone, and the purpose that it served. We practiced and tried out some instruments. Finally, it was our turn to play. I wouldn’t say that we did too shabby for a crash course. I will just say that Clover is now an expert. Also, thank you Ali for taking the time and having the patience to teach me.
Here is to more adventures and another day in Malaysia!