Observation of the Dirac Semimetal Phase in MBE-grown ZrTe2 Thin Films with Tunable Source Laser-ARPES

M Stanley, T Pillsbury, A Richardella, Y Ou, B Zheng, H Yi, J Rable, …
APS March Meeting Abstracts 41 (1), 65-75
High Resolution S/TEM Study of Vertical and In-Plane Heterostructures Formed by Two-Dimensional MoS 2 and ReS 2

MS Bachu, ML Stanton, MC Qian, DR Hickey, N Alem
PA 16802, USA

A Kozhakhmetov, S Stolz, AMZ Tan, R Pendurthi, S Bachu, F Turker, …
Supporting Information Freestanding van der Waals Heterostructures of Graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

A Azizi, S Eichfeld, G Geschwind, K Zhang, B Jiang, D Mukherjee, …
Atomic Structure of Vertical and In-Plane Heterostructures Formed by Two-Dimensional MoS2 and ReS2

S Bachu, L Stanton, C Qian, DR Hickey, N Alem
Published article

N Alem, QM Ramasse, CR Seabourne, OV Yazyev, K Erickson, …
Damage-Free Sample Preparation of Carbon Phosphonitride for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy

HT Huang, Q Wang, SJ Juhl, A Biswas, M Hazen, N Alem, JV Badding, …
Characterization of Strongly Correlated Ca3 (Ru0. 95Ti0. 5) 2O7 Domain Walls using Cryogenic High-Resolution STEM

KEA Lopez, D Murkherjee, J Lapano, V Gopalan, N Alem
ACS Nano 9, 11509 (2015)

GR Bhimanapati, Z Lin, V Meunier, Y Jung, J Cha, S Das, D Xiao, Y Son, …
IRG 1-Designing Functionality into Layered Ferroics

V Gopalan, N Alem, LQ Chen, R Engel-Herbert, C Fennie, T Mallouk, …
Probing two-dimensional materials one atom at a time in a scanning transmission electron microscope

QM Ramasse, N Alem, OV Yazyev, LP Hansen, S Helveg, R Zan, CT Pan, …
The usage of density functional theory modelling to aid in the characterisation of single and double-layer hexagonal boron nitride

CR Seabourne, CT Pan, N Alem, QM Ramasse, OV Yazyev, A Zettl, …