Tag Archives: #halloween

The Collegiate Review’s Halloween Special

By Sam Homan   For centuries, people have claimed to have had encounters with visitors from the dead, mainly referred to as ghosts or spirits. Whether they’re real or just imaginary, it seems most people have a ghost story of their own to share. With Halloween on the horizon, the Collegiate Review has been researching … Continue reading The Collegiate Review’s Halloween Special

‘Spooky’ Foreign Language Poetry Reading

By: Michelle Thompson Students of various foreign language courses participated in a poetry reading on Thursday, Nov. 2, in the Slep Student Center. The poems were recited in German, French, Russian, and Spanish by students wishing to receive extra credit points in their level 1, level 2, or level 3 courses. The poems could be … Continue reading ‘Spooky’ Foreign Language Poetry Reading

Pumpkin Decorating on Hallow’s Eve

By Michelle Thompson Photos by Jeena Cadigan T’was the night before Halloween and all through the campus, not a student was studying– because they were carving pumpkins in Slep! On Monday, Oct. 30, the Student Pennsylvania State Education Association hosted a pumpkin carving/decorating event in the Slep Student Center. As long as students brought their … Continue reading Pumpkin Decorating on Hallow’s Eve