Natural born bullies?

66% of social media-using teens have reported witnessing online cruelty as well as as witnessing other joining in the harassment. 90% of social media-using teens have ignored cruel behavior on social media (Enough is enough,2011). We currently live in a world that relies on media. Media may have positive effects like cultural and political awareness as well as negative effects such as glorifying negative behaviors as well as cyber bullying. Negative behaviors such as cyber bullying are spread through social learning theory. This blog will discuss the recent increase in cyber bullying through social learning theory, its effect and ways we can decrease bullying online.


Garnering over 55 million post a day instagram is an ever increasing popular photo/video based social site (about health,2014). While instagram is a place to share your life with family and friends, it is also becoming a playground for internet bullies. Bullying via instagram may include posting malicious or embarrassing photos, posting cruel remarks under a photo or video viewable for others, tagging others to particular photo/video in order to spread image and garner attention, creating fake accounts in others names, as well as posting private messages for others to view.


This relates through social psychology through social learning theory. According to Applied Social Psychology, social learning theory centers around learned behaviors (criminal activity) that develop through interactions and experiences with the social environment. This may include observing and imitating criminal behavior of others and receiving positive consequences such as peer approval from others (Coutts, Gruman, Schneider, 2012).


Because we live in a culture where media permeates nearly all aspects, it is unreasonable and nearly impossible to remove it from teenagers lives. Cyber bullying is a learned behavior which means it can be unlearned.It is important to recognize that cyber bullying is an ever increasing problem which needs immediate intervention. A possible solution to cyber bullying would include media appeals. Since media is being utilized to taunt other it can also be utilized to promote empathy and positive social behavior. Goals of this intervention include holding people accountable for their bullying behavior and decreasing bullying online. The intervention would be implemented through commercials on instagram as well as celebrity spokesperson to spread awareness. Commercials would include appeals to children as well as parents. Potential messages may be to keep computes in easily viewable places, talking regularly with children about online activity and etiquette(About health, 2014). Adolescents should have a healthy balance of exposure to media and should be open to other activities. This may include getting involved in intellectual and physical stimulating activities that promote mental, social and physical health. (Mokeyane,2013). For an example of an successful celebrity spokesperson appeal of anti bullying please click the link below.

Taylor Swift tells bullied teen keep walking in the sunlight.

It is also imperative that all appeals promote empathy as well as inform the public of the dangers of cyber bullying. Impact of this intervention may include decreasing cyber bullying statistics, promote reporting of cyber bullying as well as promoting media outlets to create measures against cyber bullying.

You don’t need to be a cape to help someone all you need is a voice. Don’t be afraid to use yours.



About Health.( 2014). 8 Ways Kids are Using Instagram to Bully. Retrieved from:

Coutts, L., Gruman, J., Schneider, F., (2012). Applied Social Psychology Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems (Second ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Enough is Enough.,(2011). Cyberbullying Statistics. Retrieved from:

Mokeyane, K.N., (2013). Media’s Positive & Negative Influence on Teenagers. Retrieved from:

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1 comment

  1. Lauren Mary Albertson

    Your solution to cyber bullying was such a great concept. I think media is so overused in negative ways that putting a positive spin on media could promote, if nothing else, thought and discussion about the subject of cyber bullying. I personally believe that the use of social media and general exposure to media outlets has become imbalanced throughout our communities. I really believe that parents should encourage a healthy balance and everyone young and old should spend time doing other activities each day. I work as a nanny and constantly see children over exposed to media through cell phones, the Internet, television and even game systems. I do not think this is healthy for a growing and impressionable child and at the very least it should only consume small parts of their days and not every free hour.

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