Working at Debbie Downer

The thoughts of having power and having a purpose in life. The 5 types of power go hand and hand with each other. Rewards, coercive, expert, referent and legitimate. I agree with  McClelland’s need theory that people have three needs in the workplace: need for achievement (nAch), need for affiliation (nAff) and a need for power (nPow). (Lesson 7). I work in a place where this is out of balance and the complaining is so high, people get praised for not having good work ethic.People use their position to get what they want in this work place. It makes it really difficult to work there with a positive attitude. Everyday I handle complaints and field issues because associates don’t do what is needed of the basic job and managers are only as good as their associates.


Equity theory is the idea that social and other behaviors are influenced by each person’s perception that social rewards and costs should be fair. (320). I think this should be taken into consideration when developing social design goals of any place of employment. The goals should match the community expectiation of the business. Satisyfy management, be able to change behavior, enhance control, while providing social support system where people are allowed to be creative in their own regard. This will help produce a more productive environment and rewarding one. As employees will feel they have a voice to make a difference.


I have stress and I am not healthy. There is nothing I can do to become healthy, why? Because I was born like this. I was born unhealthy and stressed. The transactional model of stress, is the theory that stress results from ongoing transactions between people and their environment (p 183). Based on this theory a person encounters a stressor, then they do an appraisal of the situation and how to manage, then they develop a proper coping strategy, this results in health outcomes. But what haps for one minute a person is born stressed, born fighting, born unhealthy. An infant has no idea any theory or events or experiences that can help it cope or appraise the situation. The body was already preprogramed to attack at the slightest change. Am I still thriving yes. I am functioning and surviving day to day. Promoting health is different for a person like me, a person who has never had a balance of prime health and the environment because everything is a risk, everything is a stressor, when your body is preprogrammed to attack itself. What do you do? You try to find the right balance for yourself, you expect the unexpected can happen at any time and prepare yourself for extremely trying days. You try to manage the best you can because there is no cure. I have spent 34 years trying to manage being born unhealthy and stressed, it is exhausting. After 14 long years of battling severe health issues, including those with my immune system and cancer, I am finally in remission. Therefore, I see myself analyzing the last year of my life to figure out how I did it. How do you find remission when your born stressed and unhealthy?