Lesson 11 Blog

  1. Social Identity Theory: Social identity theory, a key concept in social psychology, explains how individuals derive their sense of identity and belonging from group memberships. In the context of sense of community, psychology suggests that people tend to form stronger bonds and feel a greater sense of belonging when they identify with a group that shares common interests, values, beliefs, or experiences. This psychological need for affiliation and social connection influences how individuals perceive and engage with their communities, whether in physical neighborhoods or online platforms.
  2. Online Disinhibition Effect: The online disinhibition effect, as proposed by psychologist John Suler, describes how individuals may behave differently in online communities compared to face-to-face interactions. Factors such as anonymity, reduced social cues, and asynchronous communication can lead to disinhibited behaviors, both positive (e.g., self-disclosure, empathy) and negative (e.g., aggression, trolling). Understanding this psychological phenomenon is crucial for managing online communities effectively and promoting a sense of positive community among members.
  3. Group Dynamics: Psychology also explores group dynamics within communities, including aspects like leadership, communication patterns, cohesion, norms, and conflict resolution. These dynamics influence the sense of community by shaping relationships, power structures, and collective goals. Online communities, in particular, often rely on effective moderation, clear communication channels, inclusive practices, and shared values to foster a sense of belonging and mutual support among participants.
  4. Social Comparison Theory: Social comparison theory, proposed by psychologist Leon Festinger, suggests that individuals evaluate themselves by comparing their abilities, opinions, and attributes with others. In online communities, this psychological process can influence members’ self-perception, self-esteem, and sense of belonging. Positive comparisons or social support within the community can enhance the sense of community, while negative comparisons or perceived exclusion can lead to feelings of alienation or disconnection.
  5. Virtual Community Building: Psychologically informed strategies can be employed to build and sustain online communities effectively. These strategies may include creating clear community guidelines and expectations, facilitating meaningful interactions and discussions, promoting empathy and understanding among members, addressing conflicts constructively, and providing opportunities for collaboration, shared experiences, and mutual support. By leveraging psychological principles, online communities can nurture a sense of belonging, promote positive social interactions, and enhance members’ overall well-being.

In summary, psychology’s insights into social identity, online disinhibition, group dynamics, social comparison, and virtual community building are instrumental in understanding and fostering a sense of community, both in physical and digital spaces. By applying psychological knowledge and strategies, community leaders, platform designers, and members themselves can contribute to creating inclusive, supportive, and thriving communities that meet individuals’ social needs and enhance their sense of belonging and connection.



  1. I think it was a great idea to use definitions and different sections to explain each concept. It was an interesting on these blog posts that I have yet to see someone use. I did not focus on social identity as much as you did in your response so it was interesting to read and learn from a different perspective. I focused more on the loneliness and dangers of online communities and the way it impacts self-esteem. In this aspect we had similar views on how online platforms impact self-esteem negatively. There are definitely aspects of online communities that can be beneficial to people which I spoke about but I do believe overall there can be considered more harms than good.

  2. Hi azm6891,

    You mentioned how online communities poorly affect someones self-esteem and self-identity. However I disagree because a lot of people do benefit from online communities. In fact, for some individuals online communities might be the only way for them to feel like they are a part of something and that someone respects their thoughts and opinions.

    For instance, few studies have found that “establishing a sense of community online can be particularly advantageous for particular subgroups of people who may experience specific barriers to participation in communities of interest offline” (Gruman et a., 2016). Clearly older people, those with mental/physical disability, or people with language barriers do in fact benefit from online communities and find a ‘sense of community’ through these online groups. I think these particular set of individuals benefit from online communities because they might already be struggling with their self-esteem and being a part of a community where they meet people with similar struggles makes them feel safe and comfortable.

    Resources: Gruman, J. A., Schneider, F. W., & Coutts, L. M. (2016). Applied Social Psychology (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506353968

  3. Social Identity as you explained it is the concept of how people view them selves and their sense of belonging in comparison to others. This concept is extremely important to consider when thinking about social psychology as a whole. In this lesson we discuss communities which to me feels like the most broad part of social psychology that fits into everything we have discussed thus far in this class. In my post I talk about the negative mental health impacts online communities can have on someone. Though I did not discuss social identity I did discuss self esteem. I think social identity and self esteem go hand in hand. I found that being on online communities consistently can have extremely poor affects on ones self esteem. Having poor self esteem, and or poor self identity can lead to many issues for ones mental health. As social psychologists I think keeping in mind peoples self identity and self esteem in regards to community is very important.

    Pantic I. (2014). Online social networking and mental health. Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, 17(10), 652–657. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2014.0070

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