Archives for December 16, 2013


Cricket and Australian Football League Dominate Australian TV

According to a study published by Roy Morgan Research the most popular sports to watch on TV in Australia are Cricket and Australian Football League. The report asked Australian people over the age of 14 how often they watched each specific sport aired on television. Nearly 42% of the population said that they “almost always” watched Cricket while 41% admitted to “almost always” watch Australian Football. As you can see in the chart below Tennis, the National Rugby League, and the Melbourne Cup round out the top 5.


Once the numbers are split up by gender however, the results differ. Among men aged 14 and older the most watched sports in order are Cricket, Australian Football, and Rugby. Women aged 14 and older viewed Tennis, Australian Football, and the Melbourne Cup the most.

I think these numbers are very interesting. I found it surprising to learn that Tennis was the only sport actually viewed by more women than men. I was also shocked to learn that soccer, the world’s most popular sport, was not even in the top five amongst sports watched on TV. As a big soccer fan I will be very sad when I go to Australia next semester and have a hard time watching my favorite teams.

Posted by Johnny Feery

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