AWG undergraduate scholarship for academic conferences

This year, both of the major national conferences in geosciences (GSA and AGU) will be virtual and free for student members to attend. These conferences are a great opportunity to learn about active research in geosciences, make connections with potential collaborators or graduate school advisors, engage with scientists from around the world, and learn about different career paths.
The Association of Women Geoscientists will offer scholarships to cover the cost of membership (20-40$) to these societies, which will make it possible for students to attend the annual meeting for free. We will also help provide mentorship on how to approach attending an academic conference.
The Geological Society of America annual meeting will be October 26-30, and the American Geophysical Union fall meeting will take place between December 1-17th, with focused synchronous time between December 7-11th. We recommend checking out the websites and talking with your advisor or research mentor (if you have one) about what conference will suit your interests. If you have any other questions on what these conferences are about, or how to choose, feel free to send a message to

If you are interested, please complete the attached form, and send it to by THURSDAY, October 8th, with the subject line ‘AWG conference scholarship’. We will notify you by Monday, October 12 about the funding and how to use it.