
How do we decide what is right?

In 1948, the United Nations proclaimed a Universal Declaration of Human Rights “as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected….”

In 2000, the United Nations put forth a set of goals for the world to work on together. The aspiration was that these goals would be achieved by 2015. Much progress was made.

Millennium Development Goals


In 2015, the United Nations designated a set of goals to continue its work toward equality and peace.

UN Sustainable Development Goals


Examples of Approaches to Ethical Reasoning


Utilitarianism – Jeremy Bentham

  • Do what produces the greatest overall good for all affected
  • Requires an assessment of the consequences, a forecasting of the outcomes

Measured in various ways:

  • Monetary
  • Human welfare
  • Pleasure or happiness

Maximize net benefits for all foreseeable outcomes

Applying to a case:

  • What are the likely consequences, good and bad, of each decision?


  • Protect minority from tyranny of the majority
  • Subjectivity
  • Unforeseen consequences
  • Ends justify the means?

Categorical or Duty-based 

Immanuel Kant

  • Determining UNIVERSAL moral duties
  • Do only that which you would want everyone to do, otherwise, there’s a moral duty NOT to
  • Respect people as ends in themselves
  • Duty to obey universal principles:  do not lie, do no harm…
  • Right to be treated with respect: not to be lied to or harmed…

Ideally, ethics is universal and impersonal: do that which everyone must do, no matter who they are or where they’re from.

Applying to a case:

  • Does it violate anyone’s human rights?


  • Rigidity
  • Consequences DO matter



  • What would a person of good moral character do?
  • Exercise appropriate virtue in every case:  honesty, generosity, justice…

Applicable virtues depend on context:

  • What is HONEST depends on social traditions, history; context based


  • Relies on judgement
  • Not precise formula
  • Behaviors are believed to be ethical simply because they’ve become “normal”

Ethics of care

Feminist scholarship – Carol Gilligan, Nel Noddings  

  • Interpersonal relationships and care or benevolence as a virtue are central to moral action
  • Shares a great deal with virtue-based: Contextual, responds to limitation of impersonal, objective rules
  • Arises from feminist concerns:  about the quality of human relations rather than duties and rights

Applying to a case:

  • Do relationships demand special care?  Does violating a “universal” ideal for a relationship amount to “caring?”


  • Not a clear guide
  • Can maintain prejudice


Here is a PowerPoint presentation of the ideas above, with some additional thinking about how to consider issues with an ethics lens:


Harvard professor, Michael Sandel, recorded his lectures for his course on Justice. In this course, he examines many facets of ethical decision making, rights of the individual and society, and asks questions about what we owe society and what we are owed…. if anything.

Lecture 15: What’s A Fair Start?





An Advocacy Movement – step by step

How the Parkland students pulled off a massive national protest in only 5 weeks

Updated 9:17 AM ET, Mon March 26, 2018

Here’s how the Parkland, Florida, students went from experiencing a mass tragedy to launching a mass movement.

They took immediate action

Within days of the February 14 shooting, the students made clear that thoughts and prayers were not enough for them — they wanted concrete legislative solutions to the epidemic of mass shootings and an end to the influence of the National Rifle Association.

Florida student to politicians: We call 'BS'

Florida student to politicians: We call ‘BS’ 01:17
At a rally in Fort Lauderdale, senior Emma González called BS on politicians who said no law could have prevented the massacre.
“Maybe the adults have gotten used to saying ‘it is what it is,’ but if us students have learned anything, it’s that if you don’t study, you will fail,” González said. “And in this case if you actively do nothing, people continually end up dead, so it’s time to start doing something.”
Her classmates insisted that the time for action was now, and that could help them heal. They adopted the rallying cry #NeverAgain, and a nascent movement formed.

They engaged with the media

National news outlets descended on Parkland to cover the shooting. They found survivors willing to relive the most terrifying moments of their lives and connect them to policies on gun violence.
Seniors David Hogg, an aspiring broadcast journalist, and González, president of her school’s Gay-Straight Alliance, remained poised and eloquent as they fielded reporters’ questions.

Student to lawmakers: We're children, you are the adults

Student to lawmakers: We’re children, you are the adults 00:45
Junior Cameron Kasky laid out the stakes in a CNN opinion article: “We can’t ignore the issues of gun control that this tragedy raises. And so, I’m asking — no, demanding — we take action now.”

They announced plans to march

By February 18, the students put everyone on notice: They planned to march for their lives in Washington on March 24.
From the start, they pledged to center students’ voices as gun violence survivors and future voters and invited teens across the country to join them.
“One of the things we’ve been hearing is that it’s not the time yet to talk about gun control,” Kasky said. “So here’s the time that we’re going to talk about gun control: March 24.”
The rally was intended to give students everywhere a chance to “beg for their lives,” he said.
The march had three primary demands:
– Pass a law to ban the assault weapons;
– Stop the sale of high-capacity magazines;
– Implement laws that require background checks on all gun purchases, including online and at gun shows.

They raised funds

A GoFundMe campaign to support the rally raised more than $1.7 million in three days on top of $2 million in private donations from Hollywood personalities including George and Amal Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg.

oprah fix your life van jones show sot_00003017

Oprah’s advice to Parkland students 01:36
The funds would make the March 24 rally possible, paying for supplies, equipment and coordination of the massive event. As of Sunday, more than 42,000 people had donated nearly $3.5 million to the online fundraiser.

They built excitement through small victories

While some shooting victims were still hospitalized and funerals were beginning, students boarded a bus to the state capitol for a lobbying day.
The experience galvanized them in different directions, and many continued to fight along with Stoneman Douglas parents at the state level for stricter gun laws. They didn’t get the assault weapons ban they wanted. But they took heart in Gov. Rick Scott’s passage of measures opposed by the NRA, such as raising the minimum age for gun purchases.
Momentum grew for their cause as companies cut ties with the NRA. At a CNN town hall, they went head to head with Sen. Marco Rubio and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch on gun laws.
Survivor to Rubio: Will you reject NRA money?
Survivor to Rubio: Will you reject NRA money? 03:33
Meanwhile, they continued to put pressure on the federal government to pass universal background checks.
On March 14, one month after the shooting, scores of students across the United States walked out of class to honor the 17 victims and make sure that calls for change take into account the broader context of gun violence.
“We are standing in solidarity with the youth from the mass shooting, but we also know the repercussions of what’s going to happen next could fall on black and brown people,” said Keno Walker, who helped high school students organize walkouts in Miami.

They welcomed support

As #NeverAgain supporters set their sights on the Washington rally, partner organizations stepped up.
Giffords, the gun safety advocacy group named for congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a mass shooting survivor, provided transportation to Washington for some Stoneman Douglas families with the help of New England Patriots CEO Robert Kraft, who provided the team’s jet to help families get to Washington.
Other Stoneman Douglas students traveled with families and friends to the march. Senior Julia Bishop said she chose to attend the rally in Washington in order to “feel the heart of support” contained within the movement.
“I wanted to stand on Capitol Hill in the shadow of our country’s legislature and express how truly enraged I am that my friends are now dead due to gun violence and there had been nothing done about it.”
Everytown for Gun Safety supplied operational and logistical resources for marches in Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Ohio; Dallas, Denver, Las Vegas, Milwaukee and New Orleans, the group said Sunday. Additionally, the organization said it gave out $5,000 grants to more than 200 local organizers across the country to ensure they had operational resources. The group helped to support transportation for students from cities including Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia to travel to the march in D.C.
Ben and Jerry’s also chipped in with grants to fund bus transportation to the march.
For entertainment, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson, Common, Demi Lovato and Vic Mensa committed to performing.
Meanwhile, people in the nation’s capital lent a hand. Eleven mothers from metro D.C. banded together to find free housing for participants from out of town. Chef José Andrés’ ThinkFoodGroup and various DC restaurants offered free and discounted food to student marchers.

They invited more voices

The day before the rally, Stoneman Douglas senior David Hogg said the media’s biggest mistake while covering the school’s shooting was “not giving black students a voice.”

 MLK Jr.'s granddaughter surprises rally crowd

MLK Jr.’s granddaughter surprises rally crowd 02:11
When they took the stage at March for Our Lives, Hogg and his classmates made sure to not make the same mistake. Speakers from Chicago, Brooklyn and Los Angeles also appeared onstage to describe how gun violence affected their communities.
“We recognize that Parkland received more attention because of its affluence,” Jaclyn Corin, a survivor of the Parkland shooting, said in her speech. “But we share this stage today and forever with those communities who have always stared down the barrel of a gun.”
Corin was joined onstage by Yolanda Renee King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s granddaughter. The 9-year-old said that like her grandfather, she too has a dream, in which “enough is enough.”
11-year-old: Never again for black girls too
11-year-old: Never again for black girls too 01:02
Naomi Wadler, an elementary school student from Virginia, said she was speaking on behalf of African-American girls “whose stories don’t make the front page” of national newspapers.

They encouraged everyone to attend

The students invited others to join them and provided a toolkit to help people organize their own marches. More than 800 groups marched in cities across the US and internationally, including in London, Madrid, Rome and Tokyo.
In Boston, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School graduate Leslie Chiu said the march was about gun violence in general, not just school shootings.
“This is not just in Parkland,” she said. “It is in every community, especially those of color. … This is not a moment. This is a movement.”

They promised there’s more to come

Student-activists elswhere are calling for another national walkout on April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. The Network for Public Education is urging people on the same day to to bring attention to school safety through walkouts, sit-ins or rallies.
Otherwise, #NeverAgain is turning its attention to the November midterms to vote out politicians who don’t appear to support gun law reform.
“They’ve gotten used to being protective of their position, the safety of inaction,” Hogg told the crowd in Washington on Saturday.
“To those politicians supported by the NRA that allow the continued slaughter of our children and our future, I say get your resumés ready.”

Issue Brief Format Guide


Attention – 1-2 paragraphs


  • Get the audience’s attention with relevant, substantial (read: not fluff/throwaway material)
  • Establish the topic and exigence; offer critical context for discussion
  • Clearly state the thesis – take a clear position


Need – Define the PROBLEM

The first thing you need to do is KNOW the PROBLEM (aka NEED)

This may take up the majority of your work UNLESS the problem is well understood.

  • Statement – Clear description of the problem. You will likely articulate the problem in your Attention Step, but now you’re really making your audience understand the problem, supported by:
    • Illustration – throughout the NEED step, find ways to illustrate the dimensions of the problem. As the complexity of the problem unfolds, highlight SPECIFIC examples that can be understood as having been experienced by particular communities/individuals.
    • Ramifications – woven through as well should be well-sourced data that highlights the extent of the need. Does this affect widening numbers of people? Are trends moving in a concerning way?
    • Pointing/Relevance – Clearly articulate ways in which the problem may be a concern to wider populations. Why should anyone care? How can this affect the health, safety, happiness, prosperity of others? CLEARLY show the connection between the problem/NEED and the affected and wider population’s well-being.


Satisfaction – How do we fix this problem/address the NEED? What can be done?


Here, you’re proving that you have a solution and that it will work, it will be pragmatic, doable. This may make up the second most substantial portion of your paper.

  • Statement – what do you want to be done?
  • Explanation – Get specific. Elaborate and clarify the actions that need to be taken. Who’s responsible? How do we pay for it? PROVE that this will alleviate/solve the problem.
  • Demonstration – Either theoretically or practically or both, offer examples of how and why the action being urged will help solve/address the problem/NEED. Offer examples of how similar actions in similar situations resolved similar problems.


Visualization – Intensify emotions; paint pictures of the possibilities

This section may be interwoven with the SATISFACTION. Or, you may find a place for it to stand alone.

“Failure to take action will ensure growing numbers of people…”

“Scientists predict that no action will spell further degradation of…”

“Physicians recommending such action ensure that overdoses will decrease by…”


Action – the final, clear appeal to specific audiences to act

Depending on your writing strategy, you likely talked about specific action in your SATISFACTION section. Regardless, provide a specific call out of the steps needed to be taken and by whom.


Conclusion – Summarize your work using the steps of the Motivated Sequence




Issue Brief Format Guide


Basic overview

This is the first paragraph of the vaccination issue brief:

Look at the first endnote:

First and last name, “Title of article,” Title of Journal volume number (issues) (year): pages. (see article here: )

^^^This is a hard copy; note: there’s no notation of how to access online.

There is another source in this first endnote, separated from the first by a semi-colon:

UNICEF, “Vaccines Bring 7 Diseases Under Control,” available at hevaccin.htm (last accessed May 2013).

This is a website, so we note when the site was accessed for this work because websites can change.



Look at the second endnote:

First and last name, “Title of article,” Title of Journal volume (issue) (year): page it begins, available at _________________.

This is a journal which has made its contents available online. And so, we note the page it begins and where, online, it is available. Because it’s not simply a website, but a downloadable pdf accessed via a website, you needn’t note when it was last accessed.

Take a look at endnote #3 ^^^^^:

Note that it has multiple sources. This is a powerful indicator of the quality of the data:  more than one source notes this. Further, this endnote is used to explain an idea which, if explained in the paper, might disrupt the flow of the point and writing.


These next two paragraphs utilize 3 endnotes:

Endnote  4 uses two sources. The second source, May and Silverman, is used again for Endnote 6 and Endnote 29 below.

Note that Endnote 6 doesn’t use a page number and 4 and 29 do. Use of page number indicates the information comes directly from a particular page. Lack of a page number for endnote 6 indicates this is a summary of ideas from the paper. When in doubt, however, use page numbers.

Here’s the original journal article from Thomas May and Ross Silverman:

vaccine may and silverman


When you use the same source consecutively, you may simply use Ibid., “an abbreviated form of the Latin ibidem,  which means “in the same place.” If you use the same source but a different page number, the corresponding note should use ‘Ibid.’ followed by a comma and the new page number(s).”(

When using sources with more than two authors (as above), cite the first listed author followed by “and others” or “et al.” which is Latin for “and others.”



Next, note the way first and subsequent citations are written: 

The first use of a source uses first and last name. Subsequent uses uses only the last name. If the same author is used but for different works, treat that author as  “new” author, citing the author’s full name:




Persuasion: Claims, Evidence, Warrant

As we’ve seen, deliberative communication aims to answer the question:

“What shall we do?”

Topics are oriented toward action that will  address or alleviate a problem.

To persuade an audience that your presentation of the issue at hand is worthy, you must engage three elements of Rhetorical Proof (this is different from the artistic proofs of ethos, logos, and pathos):





The statement that you want the audience to accept; it is what you are trying to prove. This is what you are asking the audience to assent to.

You will be making multiple claims in your Issue Brief:

1. There is a problem.

2. It is serious and worthy of your audience’s concern and time.

3. Your suggested solutions are good ones and will alleviate the problem.


There are three basic types of claims:




Claim of FACT:

Asserts that something is or isn’t so, can be proven or debunked.

  • Smoking causes cancer.
  • The drop in oil prices was a major factor in the fall of the Soviet Union.
  • Social distancing is effective in mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.
  • This year’s federal deficit will be larger than last year’s.


Claim of VALUE:

Asserts that something is good or bad, right or wrong.

  • It is wrong to upset my sweet little dog for any reason.
  • Capital punishment is immoral.
  • Bombing civilian targets is wrong.


Claim of POLICY

Asserts that a proposed action should or should not be pursued

  • The draft should be reinstated.
  • Use of marijuana should be legalized.
  • The legal drinking age should be raised to 25.


Having a solid claim is important, but supporting that claim, proving it’s true, is critical to persuasive success.


Supporting Material/Evidence

Provides evidence for your CLAIM. There are many ways to achieve support:






Each of these helps to construct different artistic proofs (logos, ethos, pathos). 



A chain of reasoning that links the supporting material to the claim so that you and your audience can decide whether the evidence really does support the claim.

Where there is a disconnect–where the evidence doesn’t seem to make sense with the claim that’s being made–indicates a lack of attention to reasoning or the existence of fallacy.


An inference that appears to be sound, but that, on inspection, contains a significant flaw.

Types of fallacies:


Watch Barbara Jordan’s speech on Richard Nixon’s impeachment. Identify the major claim and evidence. What is the warrant that connects the evidence to the claim?