HD FS 312W (Spring 2012)

HD FS 312W (Spring 2012)


A library instruction session will be held in Romano, room 5, on Wednesday, February 15, from 4:30-5:45 p.m.


Penn State subject librarians have set up Research Guides to help students navigate the library resources in particular subject areas. The Human Development and Family Studies guide points out some important databases and journals in your field.

You may also find the Sociology Research Guide and some of the psychology research guides will be helpful, as well as the Citation and Writing Guides page.


Take a look at the literature review section in the research article “Does Barbie Make Girls Want to Be Thin? The Effect of Experimental Exposure to Images of Dolls on the Body Image of 5- to 8-Year-Old Girls” as an example of a literature review divided into several aspects of the researchers’ topic.


If you know the name of the database you want to search, use the Databases by Title (A-Z) list.
Below are some recommended databases:

You may need to click the Get it! button to find the full text.
Remember to also check the appropriate Research Guide for your topic for database recommendations.


Please refer to Penn State York’s APA 6th Edition Quick Reference (July 2009) handout for guidelines and examples.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
The DOI is a unique identifier, guaranteed never to change, assigned to articles as a way to help readers locate the content online through registration agencies, such as CrossRef.org.

You can also enter a DOI in the following site to find a document: http://dx.doi.org/
APA citation style now recommends including the DOI for both print and online sources. Most scholarly journal articles will have a DOI and when it is used in your citation, no further retrieval information is necessary. Clicking on a hyperlinked DOI can often lead you to the full text on an article.

Try the APA crossword puzzle!



Cohabitating/married couples and abusive relationships

Take a look at the article “Putting the Brakes on Aggression Toward a Romantic Partner: The Inhibitory Influence of Relationship Commitment” published in this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. You may want to use this article for your literature review assignment.

For now, I’d like you to find the full text of the article by Babcock, Green, and Robie shown in the References. Begin by copying the title and pasting it in LionSearch.

Please show me the PDF full text of the article you find.

Begin with the article “Why People Engage In Risky Behavior While Intoxicated: Imaging Study Provides Glimpse Of Alcohol’s Effect On Brain” to find the full text of the research article mentioned.
This ScienceDaily article mentions the name of the journal that published this research. Put the name of the journal in the widget below so you can determine where to find the full text. Please show me the PDF of the research article.

Title begins with Title equals Title contains all words ISSN equals

Take a look at the References and Resources section of the article “Bullying Among Children and Youth on Perceptions and Differences in Sexual Orientation.”

Check The CAT for #2 from the list and find the 2002 article by Bontempo and D’Augelli shown in #7 . Begin your search for the article by putting the name of the journal that published the article in the widget below:

Title begins with Title equals Title contains all words ISSN equals
I would like to see both the record in The CAT and the PDF of the research article by Bontempo and D’Augelli.

You may find it helpful to look through several journals suggested in the Human Development and Family Studies Research Guide for ideas on topics involving children. Please let me know the topic your group selects.

I wasn’t sure if you were studying traditional and non-traditional students and the prospects of employment after graduation or if you were looking at both types of students being employed while pursuing a college degree. The article below deals with the latter scenario. Copy and paste the title into LionSearch to find the full text: “Student Employment and Higher Education: Empiricism and Contradiction”

Please show me the PDF full text of this article.