Defining levels of discipline and recognition
Simply stated, a fraternity or sorority does not exist in the Penn State community when it loses recognition.
At Penn State, the health and safety of our students has always been a priority in all spaces. All student organizations are held to a high standard of operating according to guidelines and regulations, including the fraternities and sororities that are a part of our community. Occasionally, actions may be taken to help ensure that these standards are upheld and can be implemented in various ways.
Interim Suspension
Fraternities and sororities under interim suspension are organizations that have temporarily had their activities and privileges halted by Penn State or their national governing bodies due to alleged serious violations of University policies, local laws, or organizational standards. During the interim suspension period, these organizations are not permitted to hold meetings, events, or recruitment activities, and their members are expected to comply with all imposed restrictions.
Suspended Chapters
Suspended fraternities and sororities have had their recognition revoked by Penn State for various reasons, including hazing and endangering others, risk management violations, and/or failure to comply with University policies and expectations.
A suspension is a result of serious violations of University policies, local laws, or organizational standards. During the suspension period, these organizations are not permitted to hold meetings, events, or recruitment activities, and their members are expected to comply with all imposed restrictions.
These organizations have in almost all cases also had their charter suspended or revoked by their inter/national organization because they were not upholding fraternal values and were engaging in risky behaviors that endangered their members and/or other students.
In other cases, some groups may continue to operate under a charter without formal recognition from Penn State, which can propose substantial risks. Such actions not only violate established University policies and processes, but also undermine the safety, integrity and reputation of the entire campus community.
Independent Chapters
Independent fraternities and sororities are those that, by their own choice, have decided to operate without official approval or recognition from Penn State. These groups operate independently, without any formal affiliation with the University.
Unrecognized organizations are not subject to the same oversight and regulations as officially recognized groups, which can pose significant threats to the health and safety of their members, as well as jeopardize the broader fraternity and sorority system.
The impact of being an independent chapter
An independent chapter is one that has chosen to actively disaffiliate from Penn State. By disaffiliating, the group forfeits the privileges granted to recognized student groups at the University and operates outside of oversight provided by an established fraternity and sorority system.
- Independent chapters lose the ability to participate in any activities through the Student Leadership & Involvement and are prohibited from participating in any University function as a group, including Greek Week and THON.
- These groups often persist in operating as if they have University recognition, falsely presenting themselves as officially sanctioned. All recognized fraternities and sororities can be found in Penn State Behrend’s organization management system. If a group is not listed, they are not part of an established University system with oversight and safeguards in place.
- Oversight and the ability to respond to concerns with these groups is incredibly limited. While individual students can be held accountable under the Student Code of Conduct, the student group is not held to the same standards, limiting the effectiveness and impact of potential sanctions or disciplinary actions.
Known Independent Chapters
- Sigma Kappa Nu Fraternity: Suspended for violating federal, state, or local law if such behavior has adverse effect on University community; Exhibiting behavior which threatens the physical and mental health of the members of the University community; Purchasing alcohol through chapter funds and the use of bulk quantities of alcohol; Intentionally providing false or inaccurate reports in statements made to University officials; Purchasing, serving and selling alcohol to minors; and having open parties where alcohol is present.
- Sigma Kappa Nu is not and has never been affiliated with a national organization.