Quote #6: Don’t be judgin’ other people’s faith.

“One may eat a cake with icing either straight or sidewise. It will taste sweet either way. As one can ascend to the top of a house by means of a ladder or a bamboo or a staircase or a rope, so diverse are the ways and means to approach God, and every religion in the world shows one of these ways”


I will argue that whatever higher power there may be (people have just given it different names and qualities. Let’s use God or “he” as universal for now), he has made different religions to suit different aspirations, times, countries, customs, & belief tendencies.  I’ve learned a great deal in my religious studies class and one of those things i’ve learned is that EVERY religion is defined by the TIME and PLACE in which is arose. Yes, there are many religions seemingly so completely different from one another, and yes humans twist and turn and edit their religion based on what they think or want to do. But I believe that the core of each religion is based on the same basic principle:  to be consolation to us. There are many ways in which this may manifest, but it’s all the same in my eyes.  How you reach God is not important, it’s why you choose to do so.  I don’t think people should persecute ANY religion. Each one at it’s core has purely good intentions, no matter how they show it. You wouldn’t judge a person because they like chocolate cake and you prefer vanilla, why do the same with religion?



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