MlcccLogo2The Mainline Chinese Cultural Center (MLCCC) was established in 2003. It is a nonprofit-501c3, nonpartisan, nonpolitical organization that serves as a catalyst to increase understanding between American and Chinese cultures. The MLCCC’s mission is to provide compelling insights of China’s culture to interested families within the greater Philadelphia area in order to support their educational needs and career aspirations. The vision for the group is to grow its operations such that its diversified sources of funding will enable the organization to secure its own site facility, full-time staff, and financial self-sufficiency that will lead to the most effective Chinese cultural education instruction within the state of Pennsylvania.
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global_21932084The Philadelphia Chinese Language Meetup Group aims to be a meetup where people who want to practice Mandarin and learn about Chinese culture can come, chat and maybe eat a tasty Chinese dinner. The group sometimes meets on the weekends for DimSum and goes to other Chinese related events in Philadelphia. The group encourages people to attend regardless of their level of Chinese proficiency.
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The Pittsburgh China Center, Inc. promotes, brokers and facilitates business development between China and Pittsburgh in key growth sectors, positioning the Pittsburgh Region as a primary U.S. destination for Chinese business investment and growth.
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OCAlogoThe Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA)- Pittsburgh Chapter is a national civil rights advocacy and educational organization dedicated to advancing the social, political and economic well-being of Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, to securing the rights of Asian and Pacific Islander American citizens and permanent residents through legislative and policy initiatives at all levels of the government, and to bettering the lives of the more than 12 million Asian and Pacific Islander Americans across the country. OCA Pittsburgh holds several cultural events throughout the year for the community, as well as established a cultural program for teens.
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See what cultural events are coming up in Pittsburgh
The Central Pennsylvania Chinese Association (CPCA) was established in 1969. CPCA is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote mutual friendship, public welfare, and community identity in the south central Pennsylvania/Greater Harrisburg region through cultural and social activities.
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