Heritage Learners
Chinese as a Heritage Language
If you would like to find out more about current discussions on “Chinese as a Heritage Language”, several professional articles might be of value. Many institutional libraries offer access to these publications to their students, staff, and faculty members. The Heritage Language Journal is a free online journal, but you need to register to view the articles. We will continue to add useful articles to this page, so check back.
- He, A. W. (2015). Chinese as a heritage language. In W. Wang & C. Sun (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics (pp. 578-589). Oxford University Press.
- He, A. W. (2011). Heritage language socialization. In A. Duranti, E. Ochs & B. Schieffelin (Eds.) The Handbook of Language Socialization (pp. 587-609). Oxford: Blackwell.
- Liu, N. (2013). The linguistic vitality of Chinese in the United States. Heritage Language Journal, 10 (3), 294-304.
- Luo, H. (2015). Chinese language learning anxiety: A study of heritage learners. Heritage Language Journal, 12 (1), 22-47.
- Tao, H., X, L., & Wu, H. (2012) Using authentic materials for language teaching: Theory and practice in TCSL. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 47 (1), 135-157.
- Wen, X. (2011). Chinese language learning motivation: A comparative study of heritage and non-heritage learners. Heritage Language Journal, 8 (3), 333-358.
- Wu, M-H. (2014). Re-envisioning heritage language education: A study of middle school students learning Mandarin Chinese. Heritage Language Journal, 11 (3), 207-223.
- Xiang, X. (2016). The teaching of Chinese to heritage language learners at the post-secondary level. In J. Ruan, J. Zhang, & C. B. Leung (Eds.), Chinese language education in the United States, (pp. 167-194). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Zhang, L. (2014). College Chinese heritage language learners’ implicit knowledge of compound sentences. Heritage Language Journal, 11 (1), 45-75.