former Carlo Lab member Jason Gleditsh is in Science with seed dispersal – congratulations Jason!!! You made us proud!

Structure, spatial dynamics, and stability of novel seed dispersal mutualistic networks in Hawaiʻi

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Science  05 Apr 2019:
Vol. 364, Issue 6435, pp. 78-82
DOI: 10.1126/science.aau8751


Welcome to the Carlo Lab website.

Our research focuses on animal-plant interactions with emphasis on mutualistic seed dispersal by frugivores (i.e., fruit-eating animals that disperse seeds effectively).

Recent news:

May 2023: Sam, Alberto, Ellie, and Adriana spend the summer in Paranapanema, Brazil conducting different projects.
May 2023: Congratulations to João for passing his comprehensive exam!

About the lab

Our lab studies animal-plant interactions with emphasis on mutualistic seed dispersal by frugivores (i.e., fruit-eating animals that disperse seeds effectively). We use field-based research, experimentation, and models to answer fundamental questions about the patterning, organization, and resilience of communities.

Current major projects in the lab investigate:

  1. Antiapostatic or rare-biased frugivory  as a diversity-maintenance process in plant communities(NSF DEB-1556719, in collaboration with Juan Morales, César Arana, Letty Salinas, Marco Pizo & Teresa Morán-López).
  2. The influence of marine inputs from the guano seabird colony (Sula sula) in the phenology of palnt communities and the architecture of animal-plant interactions in Mona, a small oceanic island.
  3. Fragmentation and the functional traits of fruiting plants and animals in shaping seed dispersal on deforested landscapes in Brasil (in collaboration with Marco Pizo, UNESP, funded by FAPESP).
  4. The use of stable isotopes as tracers and dietary indicators of frugivory and seed dispersal. (several projects in collaboration with D. Tallamy, P. Marra, and N. Cordeiro).
  5. Phyllogeography and evolutionary ecology of Dendropemon mistletoes in the Caribbean (in collaboration with M. Caraballo-ortiz & Claude dePamphilis).