Brady’s paper on predispersal seed predation (granivory) is out! congrats to Brady!
new paper – insectivores are key frugivores
Latest publications
new paper!!!
Our new paper in Ecology Letters:
Full article here: Morán-López PDF
Also new natural history paper on red-footed boobies in Mona Island:
full article here: Blinn & Carlo 2019 PDF
former Carlo Lab member Jason Gleditsh is in Science with seed dispersal – congratulations Jason!!! You made us proud!
Read Aarón’s blog on Functional Ecology!
we got the cover of Functional Ecology!
The long-awaited paper from our laborious seed-addition experiment in Puerto Rico is out !
How does avian seed dispersal shape the structure of early successional tropical forests?
Mitzy’s new paper on virus-mediated trophic facilitation rocks!
Two new papers in Ecography and Functional Ecology on the puzzling “rare-biased” frugivory
We used simulations to explore some general conditions (landscape patterns, nutrient imbalances) that lead to negative density-dependent fruit selection.
Ecography: Moran-Lopez_et_al-2018-Ecography (1)-20utitt
Functional Ecology: Mor-n-L-pez_et_al-2018-Functional_Ecology-2dvpd8g
Welcome to the Carlo Lab website.
Our research focuses on animal-plant interactions with emphasis on mutualistic seed dispersal by frugivores (i.e., fruit-eating animals that disperse seeds effectively).
Recent news:
May 2023: Sam, Alberto, Ellie, and Adriana spend the summer in Paranapanema, Brazil conducting different projects.
May 2023: Congratulations to João for passing his comprehensive exam!
About the lab
Our lab studies animal-plant interactions with emphasis on mutualistic seed dispersal by frugivores (i.e., fruit-eating animals that disperse seeds effectively). We use field-based research, experimentation, and models to answer fundamental questions about the patterning, organization, and resilience of communities.
Current major projects in the lab investigate:
- Antiapostatic or rare-biased frugivory as a diversity-maintenance process in plant communities(NSF DEB-1556719, in collaboration with Juan Morales, César Arana, Letty Salinas, Marco Pizo & Teresa Morán-López).
- The influence of marine inputs from the guano seabird colony (Sula sula) in the phenology of palnt communities and the architecture of animal-plant interactions in Mona, a small oceanic island.
- Fragmentation and the functional traits of fruiting plants and animals in shaping seed dispersal on deforested landscapes in Brasil (in collaboration with Marco Pizo, UNESP, funded by FAPESP).
- The use of stable isotopes as tracers and dietary indicators of frugivory and seed dispersal. (several projects in collaboration with D. Tallamy, P. Marra, and N. Cordeiro).
- Phyllogeography and evolutionary ecology of Dendropemon mistletoes in the Caribbean (in collaboration with M. Caraballo-ortiz & Claude dePamphilis).