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Instant Connection Creates Disconnection

BASNW Reaction

As american culture continues down the path of distancing itself from ecological conscientiousness, on the front lines stand companies such as Facebook. Where at the core Facebook aims to create a global connection between people but inadvertently creates distance. “Facebook denies us a pleasure whose profundity we had underestimated: the chance to forget about ourselves for a while, the chance to disconnect.” Stephen Marche, author of Is Facebook Making us Lonely?, concludes his article with this gripping statement. Marche revels to his audience that Facebook creates a distancing from personal reflection, rather than creating a deeper understanding for oneself.

Facebook truly does distance a person from their true identity. In this we tend to update our lives constantly through this social media outlet, often times compromising its genuineness and solitude. Marche suggests “by mixing our appetite for isolation with our vanity”, we are essentially eliminating any privacy from our lives. Think about it, how do you want people to interpret your life? The desire of constant appreciation and glamour leads us away from our truth.

Marche goes on to describe how “instant and absolute communication” has lead us to “suffer from unprecedented alienation”. The irony in this truth seems as though the more we develop and grow in the field of communication, the less connected we become. Maybe we need to realize that in some cases less really is more and that limiting some forms of communication may be for the better.

Considering myself a scientist, I find it hard to believe that I am saying limitations could be a better option. Personally I have no issue seeing my tax dollars going to  scientific development but maybe advancement should have it limits, for at least a moment. This quest for connection is leading towards disconnectedness. Where endless information lies at our fingertips but you haven’t visited your grandma since Christmas because she learned how to text.

Although social media outlets serve as a scapegoat to many of these disconnection realities, the fault lies in hands of the user not the creator. Zuckerberg, among others, is truly aiming to make positive impact on our world. Zuckerberg isn’t holding anyone hostage and forcing the use of Facebook. It is important to understand that you get a choice to participate in new wave of instant connection.

The nature of our country is to finger point when faced with certain issues. In most cases we look to government to solve our issues but the use of Facebook is a personal issue. Your loneliness is in correlation with your loneliness outside of Facebook , it is not caused by Facebook. Marche explains this idea in his article when he wrote “The people who experience loneliness on Facebook are lonely away from Facebook, too, she points out; on Facebook, as everywhere else, correlation is not causation”. Sometimes we need to handle the problems we are faced with through our own resolution.

(Reaction on Stephen Marche’s Is Facebook Making us Lonely?

The Boundless Search

As graduation approaches students scramble to purchase their cap and gown, close out their course work and find time for their social lives. A combination of stress, relief and sadness overwhelms a student as they see an end to some of their most defining years in life. Often overlooked are the proper preparations in taking the next step: real life.

In order to properly cap off an academic career, most students look to land a position that will catapult them into their career. Endless websites listing jobs all around the country can be very overwhelming. A student really has no clue as to if this would be the right place to start. Yes, most available positions appear to be strong but there is no telling if this is really the place to start your young career. When looking for positions through online resources, an individual is taking a leap of faith. Unless they have previous tie to the company, there is no real way to know if this is the best possible choice.

Factors that influence if this is the right job to apply for include experience, recognition and location. In my opinion location may be the most important factor when looking for a job, especially within the golf course industry. This is more of a personal opinion but it is important to get an idea of where you want to live, or at least start your career. Having a job in Boston differs greatly from having a job in Los Angeles and selecting a location that does not bring you happiness can be a regretful decision. From a technical standpoint, maintaining turfgrass of the C3 variety (cold climate) compared to a C4 plant (warm climate) varies greatly. Keeping the plant propagating and performing at the most optimum level is what keeps you employed. Location is fairly influential in furthering your career and a job that is not apart of a major corporate dynasty can pose a challenge for furthering your career outside that specific location.

Name recognition plays an important role when selecting a job to apply for. As sad as a may be, these days having that big name on your resume really stands out. Wether you were doing the most important tasks or the least important, having a leadership title at a top firm will really help to advance a career. Especially true in the golf course industry, landing a assistant job at a top 100 golf club will be sure to fast track an individual’s career into a superintendent’s position.

Another more rudimentary factor in selecting a job is experience. Wether you are looking to gain experience in certain places or wether you do not have to proper experience to apply. Applying for a job where you clearly do not have the proper qualifications could be a waste of everyone’s time. Although this shows confidence and ambition, it also shows that you are someone who misses on details. When starting your career it is important to gain as much experience as possible. A sacrifice someone may have to make is choosing a small corp. over a large corp. in order do gain better technical experience. Selecting a smaller firm may not put the big name on your resume but you will be advancing in your experience at an extremely fast rate due to the amount of responsibility placed upon you.

Some sites to check out within the golf course industry for jobs include and Turfnet seems to be more east cost based while GCSAA tends to be more midwest and west coast based.