Helpful Sites

As member  of the turfgrass industry, it is important to stay up to date on all things turf. Turfnet and GCSAA are my two favorite places to go when it comes to job openings around the country, as well as reading new research and technical information on golf course management. Another great site for technical information is Golf Course Industry. This outlet employs some of the best writers in the business and their articles make for a great read every time. I believe it is vitally important to learn the game of golf if you are aspiring to be a golf course superintendent someday. Golf Digest is my favorite golf magazine and every year they are responsible for ranking the top 100 golf courses around the world. Another thing to keep in mind is the importance of business savvy in this industry. Golf course managers are running a business and Forbes provides an unlimited amount of great information that can relate to any business. At the end of the day we may be judged on how great we can grow grass but 75% of the career is people management.