2019-2020 Programs

CEMS Roundtables:

Wednesday, September 11: “What is Self-Fashioning?” Participants: Garrett Sullivan (English), Ronnie Hsia (History), Robin Thomas (Art History), Marica Tacconi (Musicology; moderator)

Wednesday September 18: “What Does Global Enlightenments Mean?” Participants: Cassie Mansfield (Art History); Matthew Restall (History); Daniel Purdy (German); Carla Mulford (English; moderator)



“Echoes Behaving Badly: Performing the Echo Fantasies of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinckz’

“Taken from Nature: Sino-British Medical Encounters in the Early Modern Period”

“Self-Fashioned Reading with Foldout Books”

“Musical Gems from Three Newly Uncovered Venetian Manuscripts”

“Donatello’s Classicism*”