2020-2021 Programs

Sept. 17, Thurs., noon, Zoom: EEBO transition to ProQuest webinar presentation by Heather Froelich

Sept. 23, Weds., noon, Zoom: “Fake It ’til You Make It”: Forgeries, Fake Identities, and Misinformation during the Early Modern Period Roundtable Discussion with Daniel Zolli (Art History), Amanda Scoot (History), and Marica Tacconi (Musicology).

Oct. 14, Weds, noon, Zoom: Work-in-progress, pre-circulated paper by Daniel Purdy (German Studies): “Chinese Sympathies: Media, Missionaries, and World Literature.”

Oct. 21, Weds., noon, Zoom: Pre-circulated paper by Kate Godfrey (History): “House of Trade: Mestizo Children and their Merchant Fathers in the 16th Century Spanish Empire.”

Nov. 4, Weds., noon, Zoom: Work-in-progress, pre-circulated paper – Kathryn Taylor (postdoc, Humanities Institute): “The Meanings of Mobility: Interpreters before the Venetian Inquisition.”

Nov. 18, Weds., noon, Zoom: Semi-formal dialogue – Claire Bourne (English) and Taylor Hare (English graduate student): “Editing and/as Pedagogy: Lessons from The Digital Beaumont & Fletcher (1647) Project.”