Watershed Modeling as a Scientific Basis for Green Infrastructure Management & Design

Lead Investigators: Dr. Chris Duffy
Team Members: Dr. Stuart Echols, Dr. James Shortle, Dr. Richard Ready, L. Shu (Grad Student)

Project Description

project-3-image The goals of this project were to create a high resolution integrated hydrologic model of the Conestoga River to compare historical, present, and future scenarios of land use change on the watershed. For agricultural, urban and suburban land use classes the model will simulate the local “green performance” or changes in the water balance due to healthy and degraded soils. Hydrology, soils, geology, land use, climate, terrain, and more will all be used to evaluate the relative performance of local green infrastructure practices at both large and small scales. A water balance tool is being created that can be used by stakeholders to access the simulation water balance data for any site in the Conestoga watershed.

Click here to download the complete report
Click here to download the project poster
Click here to download the project presentation