Monthly Archives: October 2013

World Police Force?

Some people have called the United States of America “The World’s Police Force”. Is this really true, and if so, is it really necessary? Does America have the responsibility or even the right to go to other places in the … Continue reading

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What is American Culture?

This blog post is more like a generalized question than anything and that question is- does the United States of America have an “American” culture of its own, or is it simply just an amalgam of many different cultures blended … Continue reading

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Why All of the Negativity?

It seems that there is a rapidly growing stigma around the idea of Americanism, or even being American. All over the globe the reputation of the average American citizen is steadily declining. On television, in magazines, and in the cinema they are regularly portrayed as … Continue reading

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A General Look at America:

Since most of us are natural born American citizens, or have at least lived here for a number of years, there is no need to go into great detail about the idea of the American way of life. However, what … Continue reading

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In this blog we will look at the various aspects of American culture and traditions and how they compare with those of nations and cultures in the world. These things may range from cuisine to art, from daily habits to … Continue reading

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