Author Archives: Connor Murphy


Gun control is one of the biggest issues contended in America today. It is something that needs to be questioned and most Americans will not be satisfied until we have a clear cut definition of what it means to be … Continue reading

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Influential America

America is a cultural hotspot. From music to movies, television to books, the U.S. is one heck of an international trend-setter. Since the dawn of mass media culture and communication America has migrated to every corner of the globe in … Continue reading

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Is America Anti-Intellectual?

America is a country who’s population is constantly accused of being “anti-intellectual”. Other people, predominantly the British and the French, attack the American way of life saying that we as Americans do not put enough emphasis on culture; things like … Continue reading

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America the Strong

It is no secret that the United States of America is a huge advocate of defense spending. AS a matter of fact, the U.S. spends more money on its military than any other country on the planet. Actually, to put … Continue reading

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The U.S. Constitution: A Right to Speak

One of the most defining qualities of the Unites States of America is that it is regarded as a nation established in freedom. The Constitution of the Unites States of America, one of the most famous documents in history, directly … Continue reading

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Striking the Funny Bone

There are many aspects of American culture that are revered by the people of other nations, as well as some that are not. Humor and comedy are one of those things that are far different in America than they are … Continue reading

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Can You Really Help Yourself?

Are Americans obsessed with self-help? I, along with most of the non-American world, would say yes. Americans seem undoubtedly preoccupied with the idea of self improvement. Before I go any further I have to make it clear that I am … Continue reading

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American Cuisine: American or Not?

Perhaps one of the greatest things about the United States of America is the seemingly endless variety of cuisine that can be enjoyed here. Authentic foods from all over the world have come the the U.S. and have established their … Continue reading

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World Police Force?

Some people have called the United States of America “The World’s Police Force”. Is this really true, and if so, is it really necessary? Does America have the responsibility or even the right to go to other places in the … Continue reading

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What is American Culture?

This blog post is more like a generalized question than anything and that question is- does the United States of America have an “American” culture of its own, or is it simply just an amalgam of many different cultures blended … Continue reading

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