

The next band that I am going to be blogging about is Coldplay. Coldplay is a British Band originating from University College, London. They are classified as alternative type music. The band was originally formed by two main members, Chris Martin (Lead singer) and Jonny Buckland. They both met each other on their orientation day of college in 1996 and spent the rest of the year forming the band. Fast forward a couple years to 1998 and they started to work on their first couple songs that they planned to distribute to record companies, and eventually released 500 copies of their first CD to close friends. After the distribution they got signed by Parlaphone for a five year record contract and started to make their debut album “Parachutes”. Parachutes was their first success landing hits such as “Yellow”, which landed in the top five, and also “Shiver”. There were a few disputes early on in the band and some members temporarily left but came back shortly after. This is when the band agreed that anyone that decided to do hard drugs in the band would immediately be fired.

I first heard Coldplay when I was very young. My parents actually at the time were interested in the band and listened to them consistently. Through osmosis I eventually caught on and learned to love them as well. The first songs that I listened to by them were “Clocks” and “Speed of Sound”. Today my favorite album to listen to by them is definitely their first album, which I have listened to front to back many times. Their last album took hits by many critics including me, mainly due to the fact that they changed their style of music more drastically than any other previous album.

 Coldplay recently finished a world tour and are currently working on their sixth studio album; the title has been unannounced.

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