We March for Science

April 22nd has historically been recognized as Earth Day upon its founding in 1972, however, as of 2017, this day now holds extra meaning for scientists and earth lovers alike.

On April 22nd, 2017, over 600 cities from Munich Germany to Sydney Australia to the Neumayer Station in Antarctica, conducted marches for science in hopes of bringing awareness to the significance of science in politics and the role we all need to play to secure its global development.


Eco-Action, along with many other PSU undergraduates, as well as graduate students and staff, traveled on three buses to Washington DC to join the 15,000 other participants in the globally recognized March for Science. This roughly two mile walk to the capitol began at the AAAS Headquarters where signs and apparel to promote the march were distributed to participants. The festivities continued to the Washington Monument where critically acclaimed speakers including Bill Nye and distinguished PSU professor Dr. Michael E. Mann, presented information on the importance of continual acknowledgment and innovation in science.

Throughout the march, signs displaying Neil deGrasse Tyson’s famous quote, “the good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it”, as well as allusions to trump with signs stating there are no “alternative” facts, and “in peer review we trust”.


Although a rainy day, the march was highly impactful and extremely eye-opening, especially for Eco-Action members, as it showed the seriousness of this issue and the importance of voicing your concerns. When we stand up and rally together to bring awareness to an issue that affects us all, we cannot lose. As a club, we are hoping to expand our influence and continue to contest the upsetting denouncement of environmental stewardship within our current government. We intend to make our voices heard and our actions felt!