
I teach graduate courses in the resident and online MBA, EMBA, and doctoral programs.

Strategic Management

This course covers the fundamental principles and tools involved in successful strategy making in the realm of business. Implicitly or explicitly, every firm must define the scope of its business operations (i.e., corporate-level strategy), and within the chosen scope, how the firm will compete against rivals (i.e., business-level strategy). Recent developments such as platform strategy are also considered.

The Responsibilities of Business Leaders (Ethical Leadership)

Business leaders shoulder important professional responsibilities toward a wide range of constituency groups. Those responsibilities include ethical and regulatory obligations, as well as economic value-creation duties. This class is intended to prepare leaders for success in making complex decisions that are accountable in each of those three spheres – ethical, regulatory, and economic.

Strategy Implementation and the Leadership of Change

This course examines how organizational policies, practices, and symbols can be drawn into line to support the organization’s strategy — and how the immense difficulties of changing an organization can be tackled. The course relies on two overarching frameworks. The first is a model of organizational alignment; the second is a model for managing the change process.

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

How can you ‘make a difference’ while also making a living? Whether by starting a new social venture or working inside a large corporation, there are opportunities for social innovators to address challenging social and environmental problems. By considering both social and financial outcomes, these entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs seek to generate systematic change through economically sustainable solutions. We focus on tools and tactics used by change agents and market disruptors.

Doctoral Seminar in Organization Theory

This research seminar in contemporary organization theory covers the study of organizational structures and activities — from its origins in 19th century sociology and engineering, to its current state as a multi-disciplinary scientific endeavor. Along the way we cover the major theoretical strands and current controversies found in the field.