Grad Academic Enrichment Request Form

note: Undergraduate form located at

Grad Academic Enrichment Support Request Form
your original assigned email user ID (abc123)
This item is required for graduate students.
Approved by Faculty Advisor
Start of travel
End of travel
If you checked "Research," above, describe the software or equipment needed.
If you checked "Conference" above, enter the name and date of the conference.
If you checked "Conference," above, enter the title of your presentation.
If you checked, "Conference" above, indicate your level of participation here. Note: Presenting is preferred over attendance only.
Explain how this request will support your academic or career goals. (100 to 200 words)
Enter in USD the amount needed to cover transportation.
Enter in USD the amount needed to cover meals. For reference, see:
Enter in USD the amount needed to cover lodging.
Enter in USD the amount needed to cover equipment or software.
Enter in USD the amount needed to cover registration.
Provide a total amount in USD for the expenses you incurred.
Explain "Other" expense noted above and add any pertinent details related to transportation, meals, lodging, and registration expenses.
Have you received previous academic enrichment support? *

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