GEOG 495 provides a mechanism to award credit for geography-related internships. Per University policy, students are awarded 1 credit for each 45 hours of effort; per department policy, students may earn 1-4 credits per experience.
Students who complete internships over the summer may register for credit in the fall. Students may not receive credit from multiple departments for the same experience, even if the internship relates to both disciplines.
Steps to earning GEOG 495 credit
If your internship was completed under the supervision of a geography faculty member, that person will determine your deliverables. You should still complete the intern proposal form so we know that you would like to receive credit. We encourage you to participate in the departmental presentations (your supervising faculty may or may not require this as part of your deliverables).
If your internship is with an external organization (i.e., not supervised by a Geography faculty member):
- Complete the online intern proposal form as soon as possible, recommended no later than 5 p.m. on the Wednesday of the first week of class in a semester. Doing so allows time to add the course during drop-add (staff are not available over the weekend to help with drop-add, and this is a controlled course, so students cannot add themselves via LionPath). It is possible to add internship credits during the semester, but keep in mind the number of work hours needed per credit.
- Have your supervisor complete (in English, please) and sign the intern evaluation form (psugeographyinterneval) and email it to (or you may bring a paper copy in a sealed envelope).
- Complete a series of informational and reflective assignments that will be outlined in the course Canvas site for GEOG 495. These assignments are designed to enhance your professional portfolio and preparation, and the bulk of work will be due in the first half of the semester. A key deadline will be preparing 2 assignments that will be presented during a departmental event during the semester: an internship profile “mini-poster” and a 5-minute lightning talk about your experience to be delivered orally (or, if unable to participate in person, a recorded version). There will also be reflective descriptions appropriate for resume or e-portfolio due early in the semester, and a reflective essay.