Please check out our latest papers from Team Cellulose! We sincerely apologize for not marching faster on the way towards clean, renewable biofuel and lowering gas prices to below $2
The Department of Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program gives undergraduate students opportunities to participate in frontier chemistry research at a major research facility. The National Science Foundation funded Research Experience for
Dr. William Hancock (back) observes while Crystal Noell (front) is doing a StopFlow experiment. Dr. William Hancock (left) observes while Daguan Nong (right) adjusts a single-molecule fluorescent microscope. Crystal Noell
Dr. Hancock delivered a presentation on the adventures of single-molecule microscopy during the 2021 Biophysical Society (BPS).
BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY CONFERENCE 2020 SAN DIEGO, CA GOOD PEOPLE. GOOD FOOD. GOOD WEATHER. GREAT SCIENCE! Funky group photos at the Conference Reception! (Left: Will, Taylor, Joe, Rui, Allison. Right:
The Hancock Lab: A picture of pure professionalism Presented in the form of ‘Kymographs’
May Motor Meeting Our group is part of a collaboration with four other labs from all corners of the country that was initiated when the NIH/NSF grant was submitted and