We’ve crossed every Universe in search of the answer to, arguably, the most important question mankind has ever asked.

What Superhero would that Motor Protein be?

Here is what we have found…

Kinesin 1 – Captain America
The Leader

Kinesin 2 – Iron Man
Second in Command of the Avengers









Kinesin 3 – The Flash
The Fastest (and the coolest!)

Kinesin 4 – Batman
Stops Crime aka Inhibits Dynamics







Kinesin 5 – Superman
Super Strong

Kinesin 6 – Spiderman
Uses tail (or webs) for sliding








Kinesin 7 – Scarlet Witch
She uses her red magic similar to how 7 acts as a kinetochore

Kinesin 8 – Thanos
Depolymerase. Dissolved half the population.









Kinesin 9 – Thor
Flagella looks like a hammer, right?

Kinesin 10 – Black Widow
It has weak motility, and she doesn’t really have superpowers, but they’re still super awesome!











Kinesin 11 – Hawk Eye
No one knows what it does just like No one really knows hawkeye’s story or what he does.

Kinesin 12 – Bizarro
He is the counterpart to Superman the same way 12 is the counterpart to 5.











Kinesin 13 – Loki
He likes to mess around and be destructive, kind of like a depolymerase.

Kinesin 14 – Doctor Strange
This is a strange group of proteins…









Dynein – The Hulk
Huge. Strong. What more can we say?

Bonus Round!

Katanin- Wolverine
Nothing cuts up like Katanin, or Wolverine.

Spastin – Deadpool
He’ll cut you up, but in a lovely way.