Kinesin 1 – Captain America
The Leader
Kinesin 2 – Iron Man
Second in Command of the Avengers
Kinesin 3 – The Flash
The Fastest (and the coolest!)
Kinesin 4 – Batman
Stops Crime aka Inhibits Dynamics
Kinesin 5 – Superman
Super Strong
Kinesin 6 – Spiderman
Uses tail (or webs) for sliding
Kinesin 7 – Scarlet Witch
She uses her red magic similar to how 7 acts as a kinetochore
Kinesin 8 – Thanos
Depolymerase. Dissolved half the population.
Kinesin 9 – Thor
Flagella looks like a hammer, right?
Kinesin 10 – Black Widow
It has weak motility, and she doesn’t really have superpowers, but they’re still super awesome!
Kinesin 11 – Hawk Eye
No one knows what it does just like No one really knows hawkeye’s story or what he does.
Kinesin 12 – Bizarro
He is the counterpart to Superman the same way 12 is the counterpart to 5.
Kinesin 13 – Loki
He likes to mess around and be destructive, kind of like a depolymerase.
Kinesin 14 – Doctor Strange
This is a strange group of proteins…
Dynein – The Hulk
Huge. Strong. What more can we say?
Katanin- Wolverine
Nothing cuts up like Katanin, or Wolverine.
Spastin – Deadpool
He’ll cut you up, but in a lovely way.