My Thoughts On This Election…

As if the results of this election already don’t already disappointment me enough, I just paid $3 for wifi. #thankstrump.

Anyways, as I said before, I am thoroughly disappointed in the election results for many reasons. The first reason is that collectively as a nation, we Donald Trump, a reality TV star, a totally unqualified candidate who is a business man be the President Elect of our nation. Not to mention his questionable racist tendencies, misogynist tendencies, and lack of details in his policies. He won not because he was the better candidate, but because he was there at the right place and right time and appealed to the silent majority — working class white people. That is why the election results seemed so backwards. You hear from people you know that there is no way he would win, that Hillary would win by a mile. But those who stayed quiet, who aren’t super radical and in your face, people who don’t really discuss politics much with others, everyday working class people showed up to the polls and made a significant difference.

Being a Middle Eastern Immigrant has never been easy for me. All the dirty looks some people give me in public, all the stares my mother gets for wearing traditional clothing, and the “random screenings” my dad and I have been getting at airports since I was 7 are signs of racism in this country. With Islamophobia on the rise, I fear for myself and my family’s health and dignity in this country. People are burning Mosques to ground already. This is the country we live in. This is White America. Trump’s slogan should be  “Make America White Again”.  I am NOT saying all white people are bad, but its unquestionable that there is a signifiant amount of racism and discrimination towards non-whites in this country.


attachment-1Axe:”Middle America”; Hillary’s Knife: “Elites”


I am currently in downtown Milwaukee for a fencing competition and last night, there were protestors in the street. I did not witness it first hand, but I saw friends’ snapchats and Facebook video posts. In my opinion, the protesting needs to stop. It will not change the outcome of the election, it will not call for a recall. We, the people who cast our ballots have done all we could do. We have to endure. Take the high road like Bernie Sanders. As much as I hate to say it, we must support him to be the best President that he can be, but for all the people, not just some. We should be optimistic and try to look at him as the President and all that is associated with the President, not Donald Trump. I will personally judge him on his Presidential Actions that are actually taken, not promised. I will try to look past all the “Donald” and keep it strictly business, all personal things aside.

Good Luck America,

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